141.104 very unstable on OSX

About every five minutes I end up with a spinner after invoking some action. No pattern yet as to what actions -- it has been a dozen different so far. The only way to recover is to 'pkill idea'. The log file has nothing at all. Anybody else seeing this?


FYI, 141.104 is running just fine on Ubuntu.


It's already reported and seems to be resolved in RC build which is to be out in this week.


I updated to the RC (141.175) on my mac a couple of days ago and I got the same problem it seems. Intellij hangs for no obvious reason. Before this update it ran fine. Switching back to release 14 for now as it is unworkable...


There is a deadlock in the Spring plugin for 141.175:

You can disable the Spring Support plugin if you don't need it, or try using the updated Spring plugins that are attached to the issue.


Hello --

It's been my experience that each of the 14.1 EAP releases have been unstable. I have compile a list of exceptions that are thrown from the IDE that are preventing me from running basic Unit tests as well as from running my Grails 2.2.5/Java 1.7.0_75 application in the IDE on Mac OS X Mavericks. I don't know how pertinent the Exceptions are, but I am unable to transition to this new version of the application as a result of the failures. With everything 'green' and good in v139.1602.1 dated March 18th, 2015 of the IDE the issues must be in the EAP variant. I've include the various stack traces and brief context as to when they occur. Not sure how helpful this will be, but I'm hoping to maybe stimulate some conversation as a result. I've searched these forums and the defects looking for references to my issues and I've found one reference and a potential regression case, but for the most part these issues remain open. Let me know if I can provide anything additional to help clarify what I'm experiencing. Thanks.



Bruce, Thanks for your feedback.

See https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-137587, please feel free to report bugs directly to issue tracker.


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