I've downloaded the Idea 14 EAP. How do I use the decompiler? I'm debugging and I hit a breakpoint and navigate to a class in the stack that I want to see the source of and I don't see anything, like I would in Jad. Is this feature available yet?
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For me on attempt to open a .class file decompiler automatically shows generated java source in the editor. It even has a comment like:
// Source code recreated from a .class file...
Is it different to you?
I've also tried to open a JUnit implementation class (ReflectiveCallable) from debugger Frames tab: it works the same.
Just for a case: are you sure the plugin is enabled?
Where would I find the plugin? I click on Plugins and type in decompiler and I just see the various JAD decompilers and the Java Decompiler IntelliJ Plugin from 3 months ago. Isn't it supposed to be bundled with Idea 14?
Is that IDEA Ultimate? Build 138.1029 or later? Decompiler should be bundled.
In file system it's (installation directory)/plugins/java-decompiler.
In Settings / Plugins its name "Java bytecode decompiler". It's the _main_ Plugins page, no need to open additional dialogs to browse repositories or install anything.
It looks like I do have it installed:
/Applications/IntelliJ\ IDEA\ 14\
But I don't know if it's enabled or not. When I click on Plugins in the Settings Menu, it says "Nothing to show. Click browse to search for non-bundled plugins.", regardless of if I say Show All Plugins, Show Enabled Plugins, etc.
I'm guessing there's some conflict with the plugins I have installed already. There's a nasty error when I start saying there's a circular dependency between coffeescript and some other plugin. I'll try deleting and retry.
Notice that the plugin contains 2 jars: fernflower and java-decompiler.jar, and the latter contains the plugin definition. If it's absent, it may be installation problem, and re-install may require (though it's strange).
If both jars are present, then yes, try to disable/remove third party plugins.