Feature Suggestion: About Remotely Compile/Build/Debug/Test A Project


1) Compiling a project in some cases could really take a long time.
    (A couple of minutes is already unbearable to me.)

2) Not to mention the testing, regression, or continuous integration system.

Easy thoughts:

3) A powerful machine do these heavy jobs.

4) A light-weight client for the development (code editing).

    Just powerful enough for supporting the IDE.
    Not just the text editing, but also the background/real-time
    code analysis like IDEA does. And all the other
    programming-specific function such as structual searching
    or refactoring.

5) A fast network. I think WiFi is enough.


6) Sync the source to the build server for the following compiling/installing/testing/regression.

7) Optionally sync back the binary to the development client in some cases.
    (To play around or the testing just happens to be in the client side, such as a connected Android phone.)


8) The 1x minutes, full-permutation build of my medium-size GWT project can have the chance to speed up, causing a little less pain.
    It costs less to buy a powerful desktop than a powerful laptop.

9) I can use a MacBook Air, not a MacBook Pro, in Starbucks or any boring conference. And the battery lasts longer.


10) Probably every guys here can setup these things. This is not a new idea and lots of software can ease the process.
    A few scripts maybe, to fully or partially automate the entire follow.


11) Why don't we have a smart IDE do that for us?

    Let's say, once you acquired/setup a project that can be successfully built up and run in your computer, woundn't it be nice
    to one-button shifting the compilation/testing part to somewhere else? And you can seemlessly do the development and run
    your code just as it all happens locally.

(please don't tell me to use remote desktop)

1 comment

The simplest way of achieving this is exactly Remote Desktop. We don't plan to reinvent the wheel here.


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