the result randomly changes between nothing and random(?) subsets of the complete result as i press the "reload" icon or change the scopes, i.e. "production" shows nothing, then 5 results, then 7, then nothing again. no exception is thrown.
A few times when I have had some really wierd behavior where find usages wasn't working, I would try File->Invalidate Caches, restart, and that would fix the problem sometimes.
works for me..
the result randomly changes between nothing and random(?) subsets of the complete result as i press the "reload" icon or change the scopes, i.e. "production" shows nothing, then 5 results, then 7, then nothing again. no exception is thrown.
sorry, I meant: youtrack works for me
A few times when I have had some really wierd behavior where find usages wasn't working, I would try File->Invalidate Caches, restart, and that would fix the problem sometimes.
already tried, the problem persists. i once i got back to any previous eap, it's fine.
please attach idea.log
On 11/18/2011 12:24 PM, HamsterofDeath wrote: