Errors on startup in log: "Error while indexing..."

Version: IntelliJ Ultimate version 14.1.4 (#IU-141-1532, dated June 18, 2015)
OS: OS X 10.10.4

Everytime I load a Java project I get errors like this in my error log:

3:41:26 PM AbstractMethodError
           Error while indexing /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/tools.jar!/com/sun/tools/hat/resources/oqlhelp.html
           To reindex this file IDEA has to be restarted
3:41:49 PM AbstractMethodError
           Error while indexing /Users/jhall/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.hamcrest/hamcrest-core/1.3/1dc37250fbc78e23a65a67fbbaf71d2e9cbc3c0b/hamcrest-core-1.3-sources.jar!/org/hamcrest/core/package.html
           To reindex this file IDEA has to be restarted

I also can't seem to edit HTML files.  If I create a new one or load an existing one, the editor tab doesn't show the text of the HTML document.  It is blank with a text input box with the text "Enter your URL here" in it.  On closing the tab, this gets logged:

4:07:52 PM AbstractMethodError: null

Editing Javascript files appears to work fine and intellisense works with these.

I've tried several things to no avail: Drag IntelliJ to the trash and re-install, repair permissions, turned off FileVault, and verified the OS X disk has no errors.

Can anyone suggest a way to fix my issues?


Permanently deleted user

Ok, I wanted to post an update that I fixed the problem.  I had to delete the IntelliJIdea12, IntelliJIdea13, and IntelliJIdea14 folders from ~/Library/Application Support.  Upon installing a fresh copy of IntelliJ everything appears to be back to normal.

However, I would like to know where the files are that automatically configure the new copy of IDEA with my license key and my plugins? Some hidden directory within my home folder or what?



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