Make maven projects

Just trying to switch from Eclipse to IntelliJIdea. My projects are always maven based. So one issue that I'm facing right now - I opened a maven project with compilation issues. Fixed the pom.xml however the problems view is showing compilation issues, but my maven compile completes successfully. I tried rebuilding the project, Make the project - They both fail with the original compilation issue of package name not found. However running maven build from the tool window complete successfully. The problems view is still showing the same original compilation problems. Any help to solve this puzzle will be appreciated.

Permanently deleted user

In your Maven view, are there any errors?

Have you tried restarting IntelliJ? My workflow with IntelliJ, I always have to restart my IDE after doing a Maven "Reimport All".


you should report an issue...


Reimport Maven project in IDEA or enable automatic reimport option that will work on pom.xml modification.


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