Yourkit profiling and 64bit JVM on Linux
I added -agentlib:yjpagent=disablej2ee,sessionname=IntelliJIDEA to my idea.vmoptions to enable memory and cpu profiling, but I keep getting this error:
Could not find agent library on the library path or in the local directory: yjpagent
This works fine "out-of-the-box" on my 32 bit linux box. Is there any instructions on enabling this for 64 bit environments? Will there be an "out-of-box" version provided?
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Hello Charles,
Download the YourKit Linux distribution from and
replace from the IDEA bin directory with the correct version
taken from the distribution.
We are very much reluctant to add one more flavor to the 5 existing flavors
of IntelliJ IDEA distribution. We can add the 64-bit versions of the binaries
to the standard Linux distribution, but you'll need to copy the correct version
of the binaries manually anyway.
Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"
Thanks for the response. I will give it a try.
Unfortunately, I need a license to download the 64 bit libraries. I guess I will continue to determine why IDEA 7 and 8 (both latest EAP's) keeps crashing and/or locking up in my new 64 bit OS using the 32 bit version of the JVM.
Edited by: Charles Canning on Sep 5, 2008 11:00 AM
I have the Idea working with the 32 bit JVM by setting the memory to 1024m, even though it only uses about 300m. Will do more investigation.
It appears the 64-bit library files are now included with IDEA (at least as of EAP build 94.585 for me). See my reply on this other thread for a "quick fix." HTH!