Datasource console: can it have its own tab, please?

Hi there,

After quite a while, I still get annoyed by having the jdbc console show up in the run tool window. I can understand that the way it's implemented made it a candidate for the run console, but I think the implementation details should not dictate how the UI looks.

Here's a list of things I find counter-intuitive:
- it's related to the datasources, the run config is still the last place I'd look for it. Quite often I end up starting a new console from the datasources tab (rather than searching for it under the run tab if I'm not sure I have a db console or not)
- it obstructs the run config that I most normally look for in the run tab. When I go to the run tab to see the logs, for instance, I have to look for the server run tab in order to get to the information I'm looking for
- it has stop, run, pause buttons, like the other run configs: why? I need a console connected to the database, I don't care how it's implemented and I doubt I need to stop (or pause) it, I'll just close the tab window when I'm done
- related to the above, I find myself stopping the jdbc console quite often, instead of the intended server run tab, just because it's there, open. I open the run tab, aim for the red stop button and click, only to figure out that, darn!, it's the wrong tab again.
- at the top, I see the start command for the console: I really don't care and I'd rather not, an sql> prompt is just perfect, thank you.

So, please, make the jdbc console part of the datasource pane (where I usually look when I think "database stuff") or give it its own tool window, if that one becomes too cluttered.



Hello Andrei

It's already there, see the next 9.0.2 EAP.

Gregory Shrago

On 2/17/2010 12:57 AM, Andrei Oprea wrote:

Hi there,


After quite a while, I still get annoyed by having the jdbc console show up in the run tool window. I can understand that the way it's implemented made it a candidate for the run console, but I think the implementation details should not dictate how the UI looks.


Here's a list of things I find counter-intuitive:
- it's related to the datasources, the run config is still the last place I'd look for it. Quite often I end up starting a new console from the datasources tab (rather than searching for it under the run tab if I'm not sure I have a db console or not)
- it obstructs the run config that I most normally look for in the run tab. When I go to the run tab to see the logs, for instance, I have to look for the server run tab in order to get to the information I'm looking for
- it has stop, run, pause buttons, like the other run configs: why? I need a console connected to the database, I don't care how it's implemented and I doubt I need to stop (or pause) it, I'll just close the tab window when I'm done
- related to the above, I find myself stopping the jdbc console quite often, instead of the intended server run tab, just because it's there, open. I open the run tab, aim for the red stop button and click, only to figure out that, darn!, it's the wrong tab again.
- at the top, I see the start command for the console: I really don't care and I'd rather not, an sql>  prompt is just perfect, thank you.


So, please, make the jdbc console part of the datasource pane (where I usually look when I think "database stuff") or give it its own tool window, if that one becomes too cluttered.




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Great, thanks a lot!



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