Permanently deleted user

Hello Amnon,

Thanks for sharing this information.

One issue that I would like to see resolved is IDEA considering files
in the project directory, but not in any module (in my case that is
the build.xml and project .ipr file mostly which reside in the project
root directory) for source control.

Right now, if I want to make a change to our build.xml file I have to
go to the Perforce client to check it out. I can't do that through
IDEA as that file is not in any module.

I know there are workarounds such as adding a module for those files
but it is really awkward.

Any chance of addressing this petty small issue? :)

The item named "Store per-project mapping of VCS roots to project directories
instead of module-based VCS config" covers exactly this issue, among others.

Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

Spring 2.0 brings (parts of) AspectJ as a "power user" replacement for its
own (limited) 1.x pointcut language etc.
So while I agree that "classic" application of AspectJ is almost unheard
of, I expect use of those parts that make sense within Spring to increase.

Permanently deleted user

Great, thanks!

Can't wait to be on the bleeding edge again...


Dmitry Jemerov wrote:

Hello Amnon,

>> Thanks for sharing this information.
>> One issue that I would like to see resolved is IDEA considering files
>> in the project directory, but not in any module (in my case that is
>> the build.xml and project .ipr file mostly which reside in the project
>> root directory) for source control.
>> Right now, if I want to make a change to our build.xml file I have to
>> go to the Perforce client to check it out. I can't do that through
>> IDEA as that file is not in any module.
>> I know there are workarounds such as adding a module for those files
>> but it is really awkward.
>> Any chance of addressing this petty small issue? :)

The item named "Store per-project mapping of VCS roots to project
directories instead of module-based VCS config" covers exactly this
issue, among others.

Permanently deleted user

SK> very useful: Simply let Idea figure out where the
SK> whatever
SK> docs are located and download/configure them
Yeah, that was a great idea, I was quite sorry they
dropped it. Dave, any
chance of having that resurrected?

Isn't there a product/plugin called "world of java" doing that, from the people doing Ivy?

Permanently deleted user

Somewhere on IDEA forums I've read that automatic highlighting of usages in a file will be implemented (like in other IDEs and like Identifier Highlighter plug-in does) in Selena. Of course, this should be optional. Is it really planned for 7.0 release?


I think the highlighter identifier plugin does that if you want it now.

Permanently deleted user

In article <emjpeu$qb0$1@is.intellij.net>, max@jetbrains.com says...

Dave Griffith wrote:

1)So does this "milestone" concept mean no more weekly-ish EAP releases?

No way! Sure we'll have a usual EAP cycles. The milestone thing is for
those who wants to preview and play with new stuff yet wouldn't like
early development builds. This is like beta but not all the planned
functionality is yet available.

2)More details on the support for Maven

This is for instance a thing we could include into the Selena because
release cycle will be longer. I think we'll start with Ant-like
toolwindow and Ant-like console for the build execution and some
codeinsight in pom.xml editing then... who knows, ideas are very welcome.

...and Spring would be very helpful.


With Spring,
1) a gui diagram similar to a class diagram of beans.
2) some way of marking interfaces that have interceptors. If overridden
functions have the 'o' or intefaces 'i', something to market aspects.
3) inspections that alert us if an attribute in a bean is defined, but
no getter/setter exists.

Oh, I still think the project wide error inspection should be added to
the red/yellow/green box. For example, if any error exists that would
keep the project from compiling, the top half of the box should be red,
even if the bottom half is green for the current file. Click on the red,
and it takes you to the first error.

David H. McCoy



Personally, I would like the ability for users to annotate individual methods, and for those annotations to be able to be transmitted to some central database kept by JetBrains that other users could download copies of periodically. That way, the growing database of annotated methods would increase over time. Of course, there would need to be some way to handle conflicts (where two different users disagree on what the annotations for a method should be, which might require a JetBrains employee to take a look and make a decision).

Permanently deleted user

Speaking of @NotNull and @Nullable annotations, please include the possibility
to configure which annotations the IDEA code analysis will use - either the current
Jetbrains ones (org.jetbrains.annotations) or the JSR 305 ones (probably
(This seems to be related to http://www.jetbrains.net/jira/browse/IDEA-9668 -
please think about reopening that entry.)

Now JSR 305 does seem to be a few months behind schedule, but hopefully we
will see the Final Draft this year (see http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=305).


Permanently deleted user

Do you think we won't support JSR-305 annotations, when we are participating in Expert Group? That would be realy strange:)

Permanently deleted user

How about spell checking, particularly for javadoc.


With regard to auto-getting libraries, sources and javadocs.

The Maven Reloaded plugin does this nicely when those resources are available in a Maven repository. It also updates your module dependencies accordingly.

The downside is that you need to mavenize your project. But the benefits have convinced me to go this route for all but the simplest or most complex projects.

I see Maven support is on the roadmap. Hopefully, that includes the features of the Maven Reloaded plugin.

Permanently deleted user

I'm curious about the performance improvements in Selena. I'm coming from using 5.1, and the selena eap seems, on average, a lot slower. Code inspections prevents the cursor from moving in the active editor for over a second, which is a threshold of perception of being sluggish. Is the EAP slow by nature, with more debugging turned on? If a release build of selena were done now would it be faster? I

've already turned off a lot of inspections that aren't crucial for me to try and speed up performance, but am wondering if selena is going to get faster when its released, or is what I'm seeing now (even with plain-ol java editing) going to be the same speed when 7.0 is ready?

Permanently deleted user

I would like to see (more) WebObjects support. Ability to create WO Frameworks, WO Applications, etc.

And more multi-developer support. We need the ability to use source control on IDEA projects - and this is virutally impossible, even in 6.0. We don't commit the IWS files, but continually get asked to add it to source control.

XCode does it nicely - each person has their own workspace, using their username as the name of their workspace. So the major part of the project can be checked in, and so can my individual workspace. Works well, can you take a look at adopting that approach perhaps?


Permanently deleted user

Hello Evan,

I'm curious about the performance improvements in Selena. I'm coming
from using 5.1, and the selena eap seems, on average, a lot slower.
Code inspections prevents the cursor from moving in the active editor
for over a second, which is a threshold of perception of being
sluggish. Is the EAP slow by nature, with more debugging turned on?
If a release build of selena were done now would it be faster? I

've already turned off a lot of inspections that aren't crucial for me
to try and speed up performance, but am wondering if selena is going
to get faster when its released, or is what I'm seeing now (even with
plain-ol java editing) going to be the same speed when 7.0 is ready?

The Selena EAP is similar to every other EAP cycle in this regard. In the
beginning of the EAP, we are making architectural changes some of which hurt
performance, and further on during the EAP cycle, we optimize the performance.

Note that the performance of some of the areas (JSP and XML editing in particular)
should be much better in Selena compared to 5.1 already in the first EAP

Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

I would like to see (more) WebObjects support.
Ability to create WO Frameworks, WO Applications,

As much as I like WebObjects, I doubt that's going to happen. There are much more popular web frameworks out there, and supporting them would get much more benifits for JetBrains than supporting WO.

And more multi-developer support. We need the ability
to use source control on IDEA projects - and this is
virutally impossible, even in 6.0. We don't commit
the IWS files, but continually get asked to add it to
source control.

Hmm… IDEA is one of the most multi developer friendly IDE's out there, right now, and Selena seems to improved on that even more. Why do you think it's impossible to use source control on IDEA projects? I do that on all my projects, and currently, I can't think anything bad about it. If your source control keeps asking to add the iws, just add it to the ignore list (all VCS's should have something like this).

XCode does it nicely - each person has their own
workspace, using their username as the name of their
workspace. So the major part of the project can be
checked in, and so can my individual workspace. Works
well, can you take a look at adopting that approach

You can check in the .ipr and .iml files, and these cover a major part of your project. In fact, they cover everything but local configurations (open files, window positions, last search strings, etc).

Permanently deleted user

I would like to see (more) WebObjects support. Ability to create WO Frameworks, WO Applications, etc.

What about this WO plug-in for IDEA? :


AFAIK is open source, so everyone can contribute.




Are you a single developer, or on a team of developers?

>Hmm… IDEA is one of the most multi developer friendly IDE's out there, right now, and Selena
>seems to improved on that even more. Why do you think it's impossible to use source control
>on IDEA projects? I do that on all my projects, and currently, I can't think anything bad about it.
>If your source control keeps asking to add the iws, just add it to the ignore list (all VCS's
>should have something like this).

When I am developing projects by myself, CVS & SVN control is amazing in IDEA. Once I try and share this with my team, we encountered many problems. Admittedly, this was with 5.0 and we're trying again with 6.0. We will have to see how well it goes - but for a team of devs, the source control of the IDEA project is the limiting factor. The rest of the source control is very well implemented indeed.

I see no reason why the IWS can't be named for the user of the project - wouldn't affect individual developers, and would vastly aid multiple developers :) We'll try adding IWS to the ignore list (but I think its IDEA itself asking if it should be added to source control...)

As much as I like WebObjects, I doubt that's going to happen. There are much more popular
web frameworks out there, and supporting them would get much more benifits for JetBrains
than supporting WO.

As for WO, it is difficult. We are a pure WO dev team, and as such the other enhancements such as Struts, Hibernate, Macen - aren't a lot of use to us (yet :) )


What about this WO plug-in for IDEA? :


AFAIK is open source, so everyone can contribute.


Thanks - I will examine this plugin again, I don't recall if we've encountered this one before.


Permanently deleted user

I will examine this plugin again,

There's also a small article about how to use WO with IntelliJ in a better way:

I don't recall if we've encountered this one before.

The plug-in is very simple, and it's not doing too much now, but being open source, one can extend
it with he desired functionality.
The Struts plug-in might serve as a good example for "advanced" functionality:


Permanently deleted user

Hello Richard,

I see no reason why the IWS can't be named for the user of the project
- wouldn't affect individual developers, and would vastly aid multiple
developers :)

Why exactly would this be an aid? The IWS is not supposed to be version-controlled
in any case, so the name of the file on a developer's machine shouldn't affect

We'll try adding IWS to the ignore list (but I think its
IDEA itself asking if it should be added to source control...)

We'll fix this in Selena - IDEA will know that the .iws file is not supposed
to be version-controlled.

Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


Hello Dmitry;

Why exactly would this be an aid? The IWS is not
supposed to be version-controlled
in any case, so the name of the file on a developer's
machine shouldn't affect

So that I could check in my workspace settings on my office mac and have it work on my other laptop mac - or do you think each one should have its own IWS file anyway?

We'll fix this in Selena - IDEA will know that the
.iws file is not supposed
to be version-controlled.

Excellent, much appreciated, thanks!

Permanently deleted user

Hello Richard,

>> Why exactly would this be an aid? The IWS is not
>> supposed to be version-controlled
>> in any case, so the name of the file on a developer's
>> machine shouldn't affect
>> anything.

So that I could check in my workspace settings on my office mac and
have it work on my other laptop mac - or do you think each one should
have its own IWS file anyway?

Yes. For example, I guess that the screen resolution of your office mac is
different from that of your laptop, and the window positions are one of the
things saved in the .iws.

Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

Thanks for the reply Dmitry. I'll hold off on my judgement until much further along then.
Good luck with Selena! I'm looking forward to many of the features.
Take Care,

Permanently deleted user

Are you a single developer, or on a team of

A team, of course. We're about 30 developers here, but unfortunately, only three of them using IDEA (myself included). I don't think it would work any differently for a larger team, however; we rarely change project files. That only happens when:

  • A new library is added to the project.

  • Someone changes inspection/code style settings.

  • Someone adds a new module, or a new source path to an existing module.

None of the above happens regularly. I used to commit a long of changes to the ipr when I was tweaking our inspection settings, but since we've found a good balance for that, modifications have been pretty rare.

I see no reason why the IWS can't be named for the
user of the project - wouldn't affect individual
developers, and would vastly aid multiple developers

I see no reason why the IWS should be added to source control. It only contains local settings like window sizes and positions, something that has no value in sharing, even between multiple machines used by the same developer.

As for WO, it is difficult. We are a pure WO dev
team, and as such the other enhancements such as
Struts, Hibernate, Macen - aren't a lot of use to us

Lucky bastards :) WebObjects is a lot nicer than the "canonical" Struts+EJB we do here.


or do you
think each one should
have its own IWS file anyway?

Yes. For example, I guess that the screen resolution
of your office mac is
different from that of your laptop, and the window
positions are one of the
things saved in the .iws.

Yes, sadly I don't have a 30" laptop ... yet ;)

Thanks, I've updated our projects and CVS ignore files appropriately, hopefully this will help us all use IDEA.



Lucky bastards WebObjects is a lot nicer than the "canonical" Struts+EJB we do here.

Thanks :)

I'm enjoying WO - does seem easier than all this other stuff people are talking about!

So far I've been the only user of IDEA on my direct team - but we have bought a copy for each dev in our whole group (~24 of us in total) Looking forward to getting lots of questions in the next few days & weeks :)


Permanently deleted user

What I would like to see is more support for the basic everyday stuff of development. Code navigation, search features, junit tests, code analysis and understanding, general usability, refactoring, etc. Mostly java and xml files i guess those are most pervasive though i am of course biased with what I tend to do.

As a second topic related to the first, I wish it would be possible to configure the IDE by simple checkboxes to say "I never want to see JSP related stuff". This could then be extended to replace JSPs with spring, EJB, whatever. And I would never need to see the zillion menus related to the ones I dont care about, the configuration options or similar things. Taken even further they could be some for of plugins I could toss out and hope for a better perfoming system. Just my wishes hehe.

Permanently deleted user


Until a week ago I've been working mainly with Eclipse, tried a little Netbeans and now I use Idea. Here is my opinion:

Eclipse cons:

1) The thing about eclipse is that it's frustrating sometimes, when you find a new plugin and you're eager to use it, and you find yourself contemplating an error screen, or Eclipse crash.
I don't understand what kind of access the Eclipse API exposes so that a plugin can practically shatter your entire installation. You got to start from scratch.

2) Default support for numbered bookmarks. It's available though trough a plugin called Quickmarks.

3) Lack of multiple signature parameters hints.

4) Lack of auto load external file changes.

5) Poor version control. In order to commit more than one project at a time, you have to select all the projects, and then select commit. Same goes for update. The incoming changes view is good, the outgoing is useless if you have unversioned files that you don't want to add to version control.

6) Servlet support and deployment is too damn complicated.

7) Lack of support for multi line editor tabs

8) Look and feel support is practically inexistent

Eclipse pros:

1) Fast UI

2) Automatic recompilation and Problems view that shows errors across multiple projects

3) Highly customizable docking framework

4) Perspectives

Netbeans is still an emerging product, it does not have the maturity needed for serious project development. The project dependencies do not include the tests, only the sources and so on.

Idea cons:
1) Complicated numbered bookmarks

2) Inability to disable structure view for some actions (like Go to type)

3) Hard to work with very large files if the structure view is disabled

4) File structure popup does not search in the fields of the inner classes.

5) Lack of perspectives

6) Docking is very tedious

7) Completion does not handle live templates

Idea pros:

1) Very smart completion

2) Tabbed search results

3) Tabbed console and messages view

4) Current scope highlight

5) Code inspections

6) Multi line editor tabs

So now, I use Idea CE, and like it so far. Once you tweak a few settings it gets faster.

Permanently deleted user

Quite a necro post here... three year old thread announcing Idea 7 roadmap...

I answered just for this:

-> 7) Completion does not handle live templates

control-j shows the available live templates, and control-alt-j shows the available "surround" live templates.

Also, if you haven't already seen it, a recent thread discussed some jvm parameters for making Idea faster/more responsive: http://www.jetbrains.net/devnet/message/5240846#5240846


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