Run/Debug Configuration for Tomcat - deployment process starts and freezes

I am trying to deploy a web-app on Tomcat from IntelliJ 13. The deployment process starts and freezes before the point where it should actually deploy the war file  - "Artifact is being deployed, please wait..." However I am on Windows 7 x64. I tried all the SO thread advice till I found one where it advised to remove the setenv.bat from C:\Programs\tomcat6\bin. When I removed it, I still get the message, but my deployment works and I can launch the webapp fine. My question is how to get rid of the message and the associated error?

The error is exactly similar to  but on windows and editing the hostfile did not make a difference.

I keep getting this error:  Artifact openmrs-webapp:war exploded: Server is not connected.
Application Server was not connected before run configuration stop, reason: Unable to ping server at localhost:1099

I followed the documentation and there's no mention of JMX: Is this documentation correct?

screenshot.2014-09-04 17.39.26.jpg


Application Server was not connected before run configuration stop, reason: Unable to ping server at localhost:1099
means that there is another copy of application server running somewhere in the background and port 1099 is already opened.
Please check running java processes.


What exactly message and the associated error are you trying to get rid of?

"Server is not connected. Deploy is not available" message is not the error but just informational message.
It indicates that IDEA is waiting the server to be started to make a connection.
Normally "Connected to server" and "Artifact is being deployed, please wait..." messages should appear next.

You have mentioned that your deployment works, but "Application Server was not connected before run configuration stop <...>" error still appears.
That should be mutually exclusive -- IDEA can't deploy anything without making connection to the server.

If you still have an issue, please provide additional information (It is probably worth opening a new youtrack)
1. Launch your Tomcat Run configuration and wait until it finishes the startup
2. Press 'Stop' button in the run configuration tool window
3. Attach produced IDEA log (Help -> Show Log in)
4. Attach complete content of the Output tab of IDEA Tomcat run configuration

5. Provide contents of removed setenv.bat, if possible.


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