Terminal Plugin isn't working quite as I expected
Hi all,
Apologies if this is the wrong forum to ask about this. I'm perplexed by the Terminal plugin's behavior. I cllick on the "quick start" icon in the window border [1] or in the Tools > Open Terminal menu, I get a gray box [3] without controls (+/x). I noticed that I have a 'Add new Bash console' under Tools > [4] which provides a terminal [5] but the Terminal "quick start" buttton still doesn't work. When I click on the '?' in [5], I am taken to the 'Groovy Shell' section of the IDEA Help documentation.
Is this behavior correct, or could I have something misconfigured somewhere?
I'm using 13.1.4 Ultimate on FreeBSD v10.
Thanks for your time & trouble.
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See reply in the corresponding issue http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-129259