Problems running build 10372 on Mac OS X using Java 1.6
Using java:
java version "1.6.0_13"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_13-b03-211)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.3-b02-83, mixed mode)
and Mac OS X 10.5.7
Idea fail to launch.
I get the following messages in the console log:
6/26/09 5:06:13 PM [0x0-0xc90c9].com.jetbrains.intellij[3666] [JavaAppLauncher Warning] Java application launched from PPC or bad stub. Relaunching in 32-bit, and tagging sub-processes to prefer 32-bit with $JAVA_ARCH=i386.
6/26/09 5:06:13 PM [0x0-0xc90c9].com.jetbrains.intellij[3666] [JavaAppLauncher Error] This process is [i386] and was re-exec'd from [i386], but for some reason we are trying re-exec to [].
6/26/09 5:06:13 PM [0x0-0xc90c9].com.jetbrains.intellij[3666] [JavaAppLauncher Error] unable to find a version of Java to launch
6/26/09 5:06:13 PM [0x0-0xc90c9].com.jetbrains.intellij[3666] [JavaAppLauncher Error] unable to find a version of Java to launch
6/26/09 5:06:13 PM[145] ([0x0-0xc90c9].com.jetbrains.intellij[3666]) Exited with exit code: 1
Is this a known problem? It seem to run fine under java 1.5 Idea 8.1.3 seems to have the same issue with Java 1.6.
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See for a workaround.