Scalatest support ?


is there any plan to update the scalatest support in intelliJ.

The current report window work a bit in a odd way. For instance if one is using FeatureSpec where you have the name of the feature and the scenario, in the standad output i only see, the matchers outpout (Given, When, then).

You will have


This is annoying because you do not have the name of the scenario in your report at all. More over the name of the feature test either. That's super odd. Why it does not output what should be output by the specification of scalatest.

Well one cam say you see the feature and scenario on the left pane. (the report pane is devided in two where the right is the standard out output).

However this is in any case somewhat non intuitive given that there is no strict correlation between the 2 pane.

1 - first you have to read the left pane to deduce what the order of the result you have in the right pane and figure out which scenario is that result about. So it is not straight, it is a mental work to do.

2 - One would imagine that by clicking on the scenario on the left pane you would have its result on the right pane, but that is not how it works. When you click on a succeded scenario, you get nothing on the right pane. When you click on a failed scenario, you get the stack trace first and then you have to scroll down at the bottom of the page to see the output (before the bug) of that scenario.  

The all thing is simply counter intuitive and not smooth


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