UML plugin in 9540

Playing with the UML support in 9540, I see that my layout gets lost when I close IDEA then open it back.It also forgets that I removed several test classes from the diagram. Is it just me or is this stuff generally broken?

Why does the plugin include test classes when I invoke "Show Class Diagram" from the Project view on java src package that does not include test?



Hello Jon.

Seems you have tests and source code in the same package and called UML on a package. Well, it's a good point to separate tests and code on a diagram by default. Talking about layout, UML plugin doesn't save layout information and it will be fixed soon. I also saw you feature request about undo/redo - Thanks!

With best regards,
  Konstantin Bulenkov
  JetBrains, Inc

Permanently deleted user

Hi Konstantin,

Good to know! If helpful to you, I can add a feature request for the default separation of test/src.



Jon, if you do it, it will be great. Do not hesitate to add some new details if you have something. For instance, what if I want to see source code and tests together? Also, in case of UML action on a package I show classes from libs and sources.

For example,
1. you have library api.jar and javax.ejb package inside
2. you have package javax.ejb inside source root

if you call Show UML Diagram on javax.ejb package (it doesn't matter in source root or in library) you will see classes from both places. And I guess it's reasonable in most cases. If you're disagree with that please keep attention to this in your feature request.


Konstantin Bulenkov

Permanently deleted user

Hi Konstantin,

I filed an issue on it.

Will you guys being starting Sequence Diagram effort soon? That's the next one we need most after Class.


Permanently deleted user

Konstantin -
I want to float a proposal to see if it is the type of thing you would be interested in supporting. The way that the UML diagram shows the usual IDEA icons for method, fields and so on makes me want to have Class properties to show up like they do when you use "Show Properties" in a class' Structure panel. When you have a field, getter, & setter, you could instead show that in one line as a property in the field area of the class. It could be optional like it is for the Structure panel. It isn't exactly normal UML but it makes larger class diagrams more managable and is a tighter visual integration with IDEA itself. If this is the type of value-add over standard UML feature you are interested in, I could file a new feature request.


Hello Jon,
  Sequence diagram seems the most expected feature from UML Support. We will start working on it this year and maybe you will be able to use it in 8.1 or 8.2

Konstantin Bulenkov
  JetBrains, Inc

Permanently deleted user

+1. This is a good idea! I also wish I could have an option to list class properties that are exposed through getters/setters as just "attributes", not methods. 

Also, has anyone noticed that all the button labels in Print/Print Preview/etc. dialog boxes and windows are messed up? Instead of the resolved meaningful strings, they show message key constants such as "PRINT_ACTION.NAME", etc.   The Print Options dialog box contains three buttons, all with the same caption: "NAME". That is in the official 8.0.1 release, by the way.


Could you please post a screenshot to JIRA?
I've double checked what you said and all labels are correct (build 9551). Also, could you please send the list of plugins enabled/disabled in your IDEA?

Konstantin Bulenkov
  JetBrains, Inc


Hello Konstantin,

Sequence diagram seems the most expected feature from UML Support.
We will start working on it this year and maybe you will be able to
use it in 8.1 or 8.2

Just to clarify: no 8.2 release is planned at the moment.

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user


Could you please clarify whether UML sequence diagrams will be generated from existing code (in future Diana releases) just like class diagrams work currently? Also will the sequence and class diagrams work across packages? Currently, class diagrams only work for individual packages and not across the entire project.


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