Can a Flex facet support multiple Flex applications?
I have a project that is set up with Java module and a Flex facet. I can get the basic configuration working as I need it to, but I have some cases where I want to build multiple Flex applications (i.e. multiple mx:Application source files where each one results in its own SWF file). It doesn't appear that the Flex facet configuration will allow this in IDEA.
I'm assuming that I could create multiple Flex modules and have each module correspond to one application, but that's going to cause me a bunch of other headaches. What I really need is a single source root with all of my Java and Flex source files in known locations relative to the module root. I can do this in FlexBuilder, but not in IDEA right now.
Is there any way to make this work in a single module, or am I stuck using FlexBuilder to support this kind of configuration?
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Right now the answer is no, but could be done relatively easy. Please,
file JIRA request.
Tim Dean wrote:
Best regards,
Maxim Mossienko
IntelliJ Labs / JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"
I have filed
I see that this JIRA report is now marked as fixed, but it has IDEA 9 and a 10xxx build number for the release info. Have there been any announcements about IntelliJ 9 and what it will include? Do I really need to wait for an IDEA 9 to get this simple fix, or is it possible that a new build in the near future will support this feature?
Hello Tim,
This is not in fact a simple fix. It is possible that we'll backport it to
8.1.x, but we can't promise that.
Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"
Has any roadmap been defined for IDEA 9? Are we talking about something that is likely to be a long time in the future?
Without this fix, we may be unable to use IDEA effectively for some of our Flex-based projects. I need to know if we should plan on using FlexBuilder instead of IDEA for this kind of project.
The feature will be available in IDEA 8.1.1 which is released in few weeks.