some problems with Groovy compiler use
I have some new problems with Groovy
- when something fails I do not have the slightest idea of what is compiled (see attached image: in that case this is a Big project -90 Maven Modules- and I have no idea of what is happening because there is no indication about the source which is compiled
(this is critical because I do not see any Groovy source with the missing class! is there a way to have the complete stacktrace?
- a groovy source in a "test" directory does not see Java code in the same directory (I was obliged to add the test classes directory to the dependencies explicitly)
thanks for any hint
Capture d’écran 2014-04-07 à 17.19.53.png
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I've created a corresponding issue.
this is blocking
(even when removing the only file that may reference the missing object .... it does not compile and blocks ... and since I do not have the slightest idea of where it blocks ....:()
I have been obliged to move the project to Netbeans to continue working (with other problems along the way :8} )
well now it works by magic: if I just starts a code it fails but if I first rebuild every maven dependency then starts the code it does work
so :)
Bernarde, please, answer the question here: