How can i get the Structure Window to appear in the far left panel directly under the Project Window ?
I remember when I used eclipse i was able to reposition windows and they had some kind of gravity feature which caused them to anchor to some corner of the main window frame.
This feature allowed me to set up my project view so that it was directly over my structure view. Then when i set 'scroll to/from source' and navigated to some source file,
that files position in the project and it's 'structure view' would appear in the left hand side of the workspace. In case that wasnt' clear.. here is a picture of what i would like to do (below).
Any advice greatly appreciated. thanks / chris
| | |
| | |
| proj | main |
|_________| editor |
| | window |
| struct | |
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You should bind the Project Tool Window to the top left corner on main working area (not sure what is the right name for it...), and Structure - to the bottom left corner. In this case you will get something like this:

In addition to Dzmitry's post:check context menu on a tool window caption, set Split Mode = Yes.
set Split Mode = Yes. works great. thanks for the answers, guys.
This used to work in older versions, but in Version 13.1, all I get is
| | docked | docked |
| main | pinned | pinned |
| | | split |
I can't get the tool windows to split horizontally. Is there some setting I missed, or is that a bug?
Works for me. Am I correct that you try to attach 2 tool windows to the right side, one of them is split? (So, the desirable picture is one from the root post, but mirrorred?)
Oh, I just realized that it works on the left edge, but not on the right edge!

This didn't happen in the old version. Also, my colleagues don't have any problems with any layout.
Could that be an issue with some plugin?
Can't reproduce that. Will forward the question to developers.
It's Settings ->Appearance -> Side-by-side layout on the left
Maybe you've triggered it with Ctrl+Click on splitter
(Cmd+Click under Mac OS X).
Hi again.
It appears to be a new feature. Please try Ctrl+Click on the splitter between windows.
Yes, that was it!
Thanks for your help :)
Go to your project directories .idea folder open workspace.xml.
Next look for-> id="Project"
you will find something like this.
<window_info active="true" anchor="left" content_ui="combo" x="628" y="49" width="333" height="643" id="Project" order="13" sideWeight="0.50075644" side_tool="true" visible="true" weight="1.0" />
change the anchor="bottom"/"left" as you wish.
save file.
Reopen pycharm.
it will work like magic.
There are two places to control tool windows behavior: Gear button in tool window header and Preferences -> Appearance -> Window Options.
As for "gear" button: you can setup "view mode" and placement ("Move to" menu) here. For example, "Project" has standard place "Left Top" and Structure is located in "Left Bottom" so you can use them both at the same time, one above the other.
In Preferences you can check "Side-by-side layout" for left or right sides to switch splitter between "Horizontal" and "Vertical" mode. It might be handy when you need two really tall panels staying side-by-side like "Project" + "Structure" or "Project" and "Favorites".
This is bizarrely complex to setup - you'd think docking panels would drag and drop in the sidebar akin to how they operate in the editor.
Jason Sturges drag and drop tool windows titles to change their order:

Konstantin Annikov - Great for one window, but for stacking Projects and Structure vertically?
Same here:
"Side-by-side layout on the left/right" options are pretty rarely used and unfortunately still cannot be configured with dragging.
Konstantin Annikov, @... Thanks, tricky the first time; then, makes sense.
Might be cool if stacked Project / Structure was the default for new projects...