Installing 13.1

I uninstalled 12.1.  I have JDK 1.7_51 both 32 and 64 bit installed.

I removed all files in F:\Program Files (x86) and C:\users

I pruned IntelliJ entries from the registry.

When I install 13.1 I get "Failed to install JVM, error code -1"

Some time ago I had trouble installing 13 over 12.1.  Someone from
Intellij gave some hints on what to do.  I did not get around to it
until the instructions scrolled off my reader.
Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products
"Incorrect documentation is often worse than no documentation."
~ Bertrand Meyer (born: 1950 age: 63), creator of design by contract
and the Eiffel language.



1. What is your operation system?
2. What installer do you use?
3. Where do you see this message "Failed to install JVM"?

Thank you,

Permanently deleted user

On Fri, 21 Mar 2014 02:44:23 MSK, Alexander Chernikov
<> wrote, quoted or indirectly quoted someone
who said :

>1. What is your operation system?
>2. What installer do you use?
>3. Where do you see this message "Failed to install JVM"?

Windows 7 64 bit home edition
I did not use an installer.  I just downloaded ideaIU-13.1.exe and
ran it.

The install appears to go fine. I click the icon on the deskop and
immediately it says " "Failed to install JVM, error code -1"

I suspect the problem may come because have more than one JVM

Normally I have 1.7.0_51 both 32 and 64 bit.
I also tried with 1.8.0 both 32 and 64 bit.

Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products
"Incorrect documentation is often worse than no documentation."
~ Bertrand Meyer (born: 1950 age: 63), creator of design by contract
and the Eiffel language.


Thank you.

We do not meet such problem on our side, and your report is the first. It means this is most likely some configuration problem, e.g. in interaction between OS and Java.

I tried to find the "Failed to install JVM" message on the web, but Google returns 0 results for this exact phrase. Sorry for my insistence, but this is important: does the wording is exactly the same: "Failed to to install JVM"? Not "Failed to create" or anything?

I'll try to find the possible answers, at least as blind guesses.


Permanently deleted user

On Fri, 21 Mar 2014 12:23:06 MSK, Alexander Chernikov
<> wrote, quoted or indirectly quoted someone
who said :

>I tried to find the "Failed to install JVM" message on the web, but Google returns 0 results for this exact phrase. Sorry for my insistence, but this is important: does the wording is exactly the same: "Failed to to install JVM"? Not "Failed to create" or anything?

When I install 13.1 I get "Failed to install JVM, error code -1"

that is the literal message. IntelliJ comes with its own JVM, right?

Intellij 12 works fine. Is there something changed about the way
Intellij 13 does differently to find its Java?

What version of Java would IntelliJ be most likely to be happy with
pre-installed before I install it?
Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products
"Incorrect documentation is often worse than no documentation."
~ Bertrand Meyer (born: 1950 age: 63), creator of design by contract
and the Eiffel language.


Thank you.

Indeed, by default IDEA runs with bundled  JRE (installation directory / jre sub-directory). This is the optimal  choice, just because IDEA is mostly tested with bundled JRE. Now it is  1.7 version.

It does not matter, what JRE is installed in the system, if IDEA successfully takes the bundled one. E.g. my "system" JRE at the moment is a preview build of 1.8, and I also has 1.7 - IDEA just doesn't care.

By the way, I have reproduced "Failed to create JVM" message. It is shown when the file with java settings for running IDEA process is somehow corrupted. This file is (IDEA installation directory)/bin/idea.exe.vmoptions. Please check its content.

My file in newly installed 135.475 build looks so:


Do you see difference with yours?


Permanently deleted user

On Sat, 22 Mar 2014 06:02:07 MSK, Alexander Chernikov
<> wrote, quoted or indirectly quoted someone
who said :

I tried installed only one JDK, 1.8 64 bit Windows.
I tried rebooting after the Idea 13.1 install.
I still get unable to create JVM, error code -1
However, the 64 bit version of Idea DOES work.

You said nobody has had this problem but me.  I am trying to think
what is odd about my machine:

1. has 16 GIG RAM with 0 virtual ram configured.
2. system is on SSD as will as Idea install.
3. My path is quite long:
\env;E:\sys;F:\Program Files (x86)\jet9.0-pro-x86\bin;F:\Program
Files\JPSoft\TCMD16x64;F:\Program F
iles\vslick\win;F:\Program Files
(x86)\apache-ant-1.9.0\bin;E:\com\mindprod\reorg;F:\Program Files\T
ortoiseSVN\bin;F:\Program Files (x86)\asm;F:\Program Files
oft\TestWindow;F:\Program Files (x86)\Common7\IDE\;F:\Program Files
(x86)\VC\BIN;F:\Program Files (x
3.5;F:\Program Files (x86)\VC\VCPackages;F:\Program Files (x86)\Team
Tools\Performance Tools;C:\Prog
ram Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\bin\x86;C:\Program Files
(x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.0A\bin\NET
FX 4.0 Tools;F:\cygwin\bin

My file in newly installed 13.1 32 bit looks so:


  1. Use ${idea.home} macro to specify location relative to IDE

installation home.

  1. Use $ where xxx is any Java property (including defined in

previous lines of this file) to refer to its value.

  1. Note for Windows users: please make sure you're using forward

slashes (e.g. c:/idea/system).


  1. Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE config

folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.

  1. idea.config.path=${user.home}/.IntelliJIdea/config


  1. Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE system

folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.

  1. idea.system.path=${user.home}/.IntelliJIdea/system


  1. Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to user

installed plugins folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.

  1. idea.plugins.path=${idea.config.path}/plugins


  1. Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE logs

folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.

  1. idea.log.path=${idea.system.path}/log


  1. Maximum file size (kilobytes) IDE should provide code assistance


  1. The larger file is the slower its editor works and higher overall

system memory requirements are

  1. if code assistance is enabled. Remove this property or set to very

large number if you need

  1. code assistance for any files available regardless their size.




  1. This option controls console cyclic buffer: keeps the console output

size not higher than the specified buffer size (Kb).

  1. Older lines are deleted. In order to disable cycle buffer use




  1. Configure if a special launcher should be used when running

processes from within IDE.

  1. Using Launcher enables "soft exit" and "thread dump" features



  1. To avoid too long classpath




  1. Uncomment this property to prevent IDE from throwing

ProcessCanceledException when user activity

  1. detected. This option is only useful for plugin developers, while

debugging PSI related activities

  1. performed in background error analysis thread.


Significant slowdowns and lockups will happen otherwise.



  1. There are two possible values of idea.popup.weight property: "heavy"

and "medium".

  1. If you have WM configured as "Focus follows mouse with Auto Raise"

then you have to

  1. set this property to "medium". It prevents problems with popup menus

on some

  1. configurations.




  1. Use default anti-aliasing in system, i.e. override value of

"Settings|Editor|Appearance|Use anti-aliased font"

  1. option. May be useful when using Windows Remote Desktop Connection

for instance.


  1. Disabling this property may lead to visual glitches like blinking

and fail to repaint

  1. on certain display adapter cards.




  1. Removing this property may lead to editor performance degradation

under Windows.



  1. Workaround for slow scrolling in JDK6




  1. Removing this property may lead to editor performance degradation

under X Window.



  1. Workaround to avoid long hangs while accessing clipboard under Mac




  1. Maximum size (kilobytes) IDEA will load for showing past file

contents -

  1. in Show Diff or when calculating Digest Diff



  1. IDEA can copy library .jar files to prevent their locking.

  2. By default this behavior is enabled on Windows and disabled on other


  1. Uncomment this property to override.


  1. idea.jars.nocopy=false


  1. The VM option value to be used to start a JVM in debug mode.

  2. Some JREs define it in a different way (-XXdebug in Oracle VM)




  1. Switch into JMX 1.0 compatibility mode.

  2. Uncomment this option to be able to run IDEA using J2SDK 1.5+ while


  1. with application servers (like WebLogic) running 1.4.




  1. Change to 'enabled' if you want to receive instant visual


  1. about fatal errors that happen to an IDE or plugins installed.



Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products
"A great lathe operator commands several times the wage of an average lathe
operator, but a great writer of software code is worth 10,000 times the
price of an average software writer."
~ Bill Gates


Do you mean these words: "Use ${idea.home} macro to specify location" - etc - are inside idea.exe.vmoptions?


Permanently deleted user

On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 13:59:36 MSK, Alexander Chernikov
<> wrote, quoted or indirectly quoted someone
who said :

>Do you mean these words: "Use ${idea.home} macro to specify location" - etc - are inside idea.exe.vmoptions?

This is what the two files look like literally. I did not put all
those # comments in there

F:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 13.1\idea.exe.vmoptions

  1. Use ${idea.home} macro to specify location relative to IDE

installation home.

  1. Use $ where xxx is any Java property (including defined in

previous lines of this file) to refer to its value.

  1. Note for Windows users: please make sure you're using forward

slashes (e.g. c:/idea/system).


  1. Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE config

folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.

  1. idea.config.path=${user.home}/.IntelliJIdea/config


  1. Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE system

folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.

  1. idea.system.path=${user.home}/.IntelliJIdea/system


  1. Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to user

installed plugins folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.

  1. idea.plugins.path=${idea.config.path}/plugins


  1. Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE logs

folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.

  1. idea.log.path=${idea.system.path}/log


  1. Maximum file size (kilobytes) IDE should provide code assistance


  1. The larger file is the slower its editor works and higher overall

system memory requirements are

  1. if code assistance is enabled. Remove this property or set to very

large number if you need

  1. code assistance for any files available regardless their size.




  1. This option controls console cyclic buffer: keeps the console output

size not higher than the specified buffer size (Kb).

  1. Older lines are deleted. In order to disable cycle buffer use




  1. Configure if a special launcher should be used when running

processes from within IDE.

  1. Using Launcher enables "soft exit" and "thread dump" features



  1. To avoid too long classpath




  1. Uncomment this property to prevent IDE from throwing

ProcessCanceledException when user activity

  1. detected. This option is only useful for plugin developers, while

debugging PSI related activities

  1. performed in background error analysis thread.


Significant slowdowns and lockups will happen otherwise.



  1. There are two possible values of idea.popup.weight property: "heavy"

and "medium".

  1. If you have WM configured as "Focus follows mouse with Auto Raise"

then you have to

  1. set this property to "medium". It prevents problems with popup menus

on some

  1. configurations.




  1. Use default anti-aliasing in system, i.e. override value of

"Settings|Editor|Appearance|Use anti-aliased font"

  1. option. May be useful when using Windows Remote Desktop Connection

for instance.


  1. Disabling this property may lead to visual glitches like blinking

and fail to repaint

  1. on certain display adapter cards.




  1. Removing this property may lead to editor performance degradation

under Windows.



  1. Workaround for slow scrolling in JDK6




  1. Removing this property may lead to editor performance degradation

under X Window.



  1. Workaround to avoid long hangs while accessing clipboard under Mac




  1. Maximum size (kilobytes) IDEA will load for showing past file

contents -

  1. in Show Diff or when calculating Digest Diff



  1. IDEA can copy library .jar files to prevent their locking.

  2. By default this behavior is enabled on Windows and disabled on other


  1. Uncomment this property to override.


  1. idea.jars.nocopy=false


  1. The VM option value to be used to start a JVM in debug mode.

  2. Some JREs define it in a different way (-XXdebug in Oracle VM)




  1. Switch into JMX 1.0 compatibility mode.

  2. Uncomment this option to be able to run IDEA using J2SDK 1.5+ while


  1. with application servers (like WebLogic) running 1.4.




  1. Change to 'enabled' if you want to receive instant visual


  1. about fatal errors that happen to an IDE or plugins installed.



F:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 13.1\idea64.exe.vmoptions

Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products
"A great lathe operator commands several times the wage of an average lathe
operator, but a great writer of software code is worth 10,000 times the
price of an average software writer."
~ Bill Gates


Thank you.

The content like: "Use ... macro to specify location relative to IDE installation home ... blah-blah-blah" - should not be in idea.exe.vmoptions file. It should be in file. The idea.exe.vmoptions should look like one I have posted above. I.e. it should contain 10 - 15 lines and no comments. Please return the content of .vmoptions to normal and retry starting IDEA. BTW, does exist in the same directory and is it not empty?

Also I'm a bit confused that the file path you post is F:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 13.1\idea.exe.vmoptions. It should be ...\IntelliJ IDEA 13.1\bin\idea.exe.vmoptions. Where is BIN directory?

This looks like some incredibly wrong installation, but why it could occur, I have no idea. I'm still afraid that I have not understood you correctly - sorry if so.


Permanently deleted user

On Sun, 30 Mar 2014 00:01:35 MSK, Alexander Chernikov
<> wrote, quoted or indirectly quoted someone
who said :

>Also I'm a bit confused that the file path you post is F:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 13.1\idea.exe.vmoptions. It should be ...\IntelliJ IDEA 13.1\bin\idea.exe.vmoptions. Where is BIN directory

that part was my mistake. I left out the bin.

F:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 13.1\bin\idea.exe.vmoptions

I have not edited these files. I recently deleted all files and
reinstalled from scratch.  I cleaned out the registry too.

It is working with 64-bit Java 1.8.0

I will prune out the nonsense.  It is all comments, so it should not
be hurting anything.

If you recall, for the longest time I could not get 13.x to even
start. It would complain it could not find the JVM.
Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products
"The question of whether machines can think is about as relevant
as the question of whether submarines can swim"
~ Edsger Wybe Dijkstra (born: 1930-05-11 died: 2002-08-06 at age: 72)


> If you recall, for the longest time I could not get 13.x to even start. It would complain it could not find the JVM.

Yes, right because .vmoptions is corrupted.



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