trying to use nailgun / compile server approach to building my scala project, but it is still slow..

Hi  -

I followed the instructions on this page :

in an attempt to  use nailgun / compile server approach to building my scala project, but it still takes 4 seconds to compile a simple worksheet.
Also if i do a
  ps -axuw  | grep -i nailgun

I don't see any process listed that seems to be running the nail gun server..    I checked the  output log and I did not see any errors.

I assume I am checking the log output correctly.. I launch idea like this >
/home/chris/3rdparty/idea-IU-129.1359/bin/   > /tmp/ide.out 2>&1

To check the log i just tail the  idea.out file..    That is the only place i know of to look for log info.

To summarize what I did

   In Project Settings [ scala ]   /  Compiler    "Use external build" is UNchecked.

   In IDE Settings / Scala    "Run compile server"   is CHECKED.  settings are
   tcp port 3200
   jvm sdk  1.7
  Jvm max heap  1024
  Jvm params:  -server -Xss1m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m

I looked at Project Settings [ scala ]   /  Compiler / Scala Compiler
What I see checked is  
    Joint compilation:  scalac
    Project FSC(internal build)     Run Internal server
       As i understand it FSC is no longer used .. so i am guessing this setting is not meaningful.

any pointers much appreciated !
  - chris


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