UnitTest Runner
I have the pleasure of using both IntelliJ and Resharper.
What I have noticed is the Resharper unit test runner is awesome, the Intellij one, slightly less awesome.
In Reshaper, if you run a suite of tests and have a failure, you can click and re-run a failed test, it then leaves the previously run suite, and just 'spins' the failed test in place.
Basically this allows you to work through your failures one at a time, without loosing the 'current suite status'
The IntelliJ test runner throws away the entire suite every execution., and just runs that single test as a new suite.
Perhaps there is just some setting I am missing in IntelliJ, if not can you make the IntelliJ test runner awesome too?
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Do you mean previous run results become not accessible after showing new results? Then please try to use Pin Tab for results view you want to preserve.
Yes, that preserves the previous session, but it is still not nearly as elegant as the Resharper test runner.
Resharper allows you to have a single test run session, where you slowly iterate and turn each test green as you fix it.
A much more elegant way to work, IMHO.
Thank you, created a feature: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-118501
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