Bad code is green: complex generics problem
in our company's code we occasionally run into a problem like the following: Idea does not highlight the code below as having an error, however compiling it fails:
conforms to X]]>"
Interestingly, Eclipse (which is used by everyone in our project but me) does not have a problem with this either and even compiles it.
If line 10 gets replaced tox = b.getX(); ]]>the compiler is happy, but Idea highlights the additional "<A>" with the warning "Explicit type arguments can be inferred".
Is this a known bug? If not, I will enter a Jira issue.
P.S.: BTW, this happens both in Selena (7718) and in Diana (8375)
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Sounds like a bug in the Sun compiler.
Ah, yes, you are right! With Google's help I found
Best regards,