Any plans to support tabs drag-n-drop ?

Are there any plans to support tabs drag-n-drop in Diana ?
It would be very comfortable to drop the related tabs/files together (rather than splitting the workspace - don't like that one ... )


In Firefox, for example, it's very comfortable to drag-n-drop the related tabs close each to another.


Hi, Evgeny.

Among the many manifestations of my control-freak-dom is an insistance on controlling tabs.

In Firefox I use the TabMix Pro extension. (Most importantly, it has tab close undoing!)

In IDEA I use the TabReorder plug-in (

Both work well.

Randall Schulz


I guess you meant TabMix Plus, I use it too :)
Thanks for TabReorder tip !


Damned Linux, it takes over all useful shortcuts with it's multiply desktops .. Will try the plug-in on Windows.


I find that somewhat problematic, too, but both IDEA and KDE allow the user to reconfigure keyboard bindings.

But be sure to note that you can use the mouse to drag tabs (though the tab bar doesn't auto-scroll at the edges) and you can use the context menu for the tab in question to get at all the TabReorder options.

And yes, I did mean TabMix Plus, not "Pro."



It doesn't work on 8280, just tried it on Windows. Neither shortcuts nor right clicking on tab and choosing TabReorder options has any effect.


On 2008-04-22 01:25:32 +0400, Randall Schulz <> said:

Hi, Evgeny.

Among the many manifestations of my control-freak-dom is an insistance
on controlling tabs.

In Firefox I use the TabMix Pro extension. (Most importantly, it has
tab close undoing!)

In IDEA I use the TabReorder plug-in

Both work well.

Randall Schulz

Tabs d'n'd is planned and some cool ideas will be borrowed from
TabReorder and TabSwitch plugins as well.
Kirill Kalishev
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"


Nice ! Thanks for the update


Cool! Tabswitch is the best plugin ever (except when having 5 pom.xml's open: You can't tell which pom is from which project, since you only see: pom.xml, pom.xml, pom.xml, etc.... If you could fix that, you would be heroes! (hmmm, you already are actually....)


Same issue with N files having the same name (like "build.xml") exists with Ctrl+E, btw .. It's confusing to pick the right one.


further information would really help here, true. What about group id
and artifact id .. ?!


Erik Pragt wrote:

Cool! Tabswitch is the best plugin ever (except when having 5 pom.xml's open: You can't tell which pom is from which project, since you only see: pom.xml, pom.xml, pom.xml, etc.... If you could fix that, you would be heroes! (hmmm, you already are actually....)


File Tab Groups might help with that.


Hello. Is there any news about support for tabs reordering? I was using TabReorder, but it doesn't work in Diana Builds :(



A> Hello. Is there any news about support for tabs reordering? I was
A> using TabReorder, but it doesn't work in Diana Builds :(

Working for me: Diana 7.0.4 7878.

Haven't noticed it not working in any Diana version.



Diana: IDEA 8.x, build no >= 8000
Selena: IDEA 7.x, build no < 8000

Carlos Costa e Silva wrote:

A> Hello. Is there any news about support for tabs reordering? I was
A> using TabReorder, but it doesn't work in Diana Builds :(

Working for me: Diana 7.0.4 7878.
Haven't noticed it not working in any Diana version.



SF> Diana: IDEA 8.x, build no >= 8000
SF> Selena: IDEA 7.x, build no < 8000

Oops, very red face here. And I even went to the announcements list to see
which was which.

Blame the error on the disfunction of too much eclipse use lately :D



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