Optimize imports deletes necessary imports

Hi Jetbrains,

What about bug 'IDEADEV-19368'? I fear it gets lost, as its (still)
marked 'Fix Version: Diana Final' - it is quite a showstopper for us, as
we cannot reliably use 'optimize imports' and - even worse - cannot use
it for JSPs at all (and that's where we'd need it most, really).
Even worse, 'optimize imports' has so many places to be activated:
manually (menu & keyboard), setting 'optimize imports on the fly' and
on commit ('optimize import' (before commit), which makes it easy to do
it accidentally - of course, I don't mean to fix that, rather fix the
function itself.

So will it be fixed anywhere in Diana? At least Selena???

Reference: http://www.jetbrains.net/jira/browse/IDEADEV-19368

kind regards,


Permanently deleted user

Hello JetBrains,

Say, is anybody reading this? As said, I'm afraid this bug will slip through because marked as 'fix: Diana final' - is
this bug not worth fixing? Not 'high priority enough'?
Could you at least give me some feedback about it? Since auto 'Optimize imports' (quite important) doesn't work AT ALL
for us, it must be triggered manually (arghh)!

Not to begin with bug IDEA-17972, which I still didn't receive feedback about.

(not so kind) regards,


Messi schrieb:

Hi Jetbrains,

What about bug 'IDEADEV-19368'? I fear it gets lost, as its (still)
marked 'Fix Version: Diana Final' - it is quite a showstopper for us, as
we cannot reliably use 'optimize imports' and - even worse - cannot use
it for JSPs at all (and that's where we'd need it most, really).
Even worse, 'optimize imports' has so many places to be activated:
manually (menu & keyboard), setting 'optimize imports on the fly' and
on commit ('optimize import' (before commit), which makes it easy to do
it accidentally - of course, I don't mean to fix that, rather fix the
function itself.

So will it be fixed anywhere in Diana? At least Selena???

Reference: http://www.jetbrains.net/jira/browse/IDEADEV-19368

kind regards,


Permanently deleted user

I may be wrong, but why don't you include your "import java.util.*" in your incl.jspf file rather than the top one ?

As a side effect, it would allow compilation to work even if you happen to include that jspf from another jsp


Yes, I agree. I'm also wondering if code completion would work in your case, since you have no idea what kind of ArrayList you're using here.

Permanently deleted user

Thibaut schrieb:

I may be wrong, but why don't you include your "import java.util.*" in your incl.jspf file rather than the top one ?

As a side effect, it would allow compilation to work even if you happen to include that jspf from another jsp

Sure, that would be a way, but would mean quite a bit of refactoring, simply because of how it grew historically, i.e.
quite some work; I won't go into details here and I agree wholeheartedly that its bad as it is, but currently we have to
live with it.



Permanently deleted user

Erik Pragt schrieb:

Yes, I agree. I'm also wondering if code completion would work in your case, since you have no idea what kind of ArrayList you're using here.

It does work, IDEA recognizes the context (and you can set/alter the "context" (i.e. including JSP) used in "inspection
settings"), its quite intelligent in this case - too bad this bug exists, it seemed fixworthy some time ago (first half,
which was even worse, was even fixed then) and I'd like to know whether its still planned to fix it, and if, when, but
got no response...
as said, I didn't get response for a second, real bug (Clipboard errors occuring) too.

Basically, I migrated our company to Idea, as I think its by far the best Java-IDE out there, but somehow it misbehaves
in quite a few ways on some of my colleagues machines, which makes them, well, oppose Idea (not quite there yet, but if
all I can say to bugs they told me months ago is "uhm, Jetbrains didn't respond... yet". Well, they don't believe the
'yet' anymore, anyhow)



P.S.: Okay, this was some ranting, but I'm disappointed because I always perceived JetBrains as a responsive and helpful
company, which I advertised as an advantage over Eclipse - okay, probably my fault.

Permanently deleted user

Hello Messi,
they have holidays now in Russia, so a reply will probably follow on Monday.


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