AIR Mobile Development iOS InHouse Distribution

Is it possible to use an Apple enterprise provisioning profile when packaging an AIR Mobile Application for iOS from within IDEA?  I have tried using the Tools->Flex->Package Mobile AIR Application and specifying my enterprise profile and key, but the following message is displayed in the IDEA ststus bar:

Package Mobile AIR Application:  The signing certificate is not from the expected issuer (moments ago)

I also have a single developer account with Apple, and packaging using that profile works.  I expect this is a limitation with adt, but wanted to see if anyone has it working?  AIR 3.1 or AIR 3.2.



IntelliJ IDEA uses adt tool, so all its limitations are reflected in IDEA. I don't have enterprise provisioning profile so I can't check if adt supports it. I believe it should. Have you set package type to 'AppStore' ?

Permanently deleted user

Yes.  I tried all of the combinations for Package Type.  I will try adt directly and post my findings.


I am getting the same error and need someone or something to point me in the right direction to find a solution.



Did you try to create an IPA package using ADT tool directly from the command line?


I am able to publish to the device from an empty project within Flash Professional. I went through the steps to create the cert and prov files which seemed to solve the problem stated here, however now I'm getting "Installation Error: ApplicationVerificationFailed".


IntelliJ IDEA uses ADT tool from the AIR SDK. I'm afraid I can't give more information than ADT output gives (i.e. nothing in case of suucessful packaging).
Try to install created IPA using iTunes - may be it will give more details on the installation problem.

Do you know how Flash Pro creates the package? Does it use the same ADT tool?


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