B8280: IDEA rebuilds caches on every restart

Is anyone else seeing this?

Every time i start up IDEA and open the project I'm working on, IDEA rebuilds the cache files.
I cannot see exceptions indicated with the RCOE that relate to the files...


Permanently deleted user

Hello Bonny,

Is anyone else seeing this?

Every time i start up IDEA and open the project I'm working on, IDEA
rebuilds the cache files. I cannot see exceptions indicated with the
RCOE that relate to the files...

Whatever the problem was, we've implemented a new fault tolerance system
for the indexes which will appear in the next Diana EAP. It should solve
most of the problems like this one.

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user


It happens not on startup only but few times during the day. Do you think it
will also be solved in Diana?


"Dmitry Jemerov" <yole@jetbrains.com> wrote in message

Hello Bonny,

>> Is anyone else seeing this?
>> Every time i start up IDEA and open the project I'm working on, IDEA
>> rebuilds the cache files. I cannot see exceptions indicated with the
>> RCOE that relate to the files...

Whatever the problem was, we've implemented a new fault tolerance system
for the indexes which will appear in the next Diana EAP. It should solve
most of the problems like this one.


Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


Permanently deleted user

Hello Alex,

If you're seeing the problem in Selena, this is a different problem compared
to what the original poster was talking about, and I can't tell anything
about it unless you provide more details.

It happens not on startup only but few times during the day. Do you
think it will also be solved in Diana?

"Dmitry Jemerov" <yole@jetbrains.com> wrote in message

>> Hello Bonny,
>>> Is anyone else seeing this?
>>> Every time i start up IDEA and open the project I'm working on, IDEA
>>> rebuilds the cache files. I cannot see exceptions indicated with the
>>> RCOE that relate to the files...
>> Whatever the problem was, we've implemented a new fault tolerance
>> system for the indexes which will appear in the next Diana EAP. It
>> should solve most of the problems like this one.
>> --
>> Dmitry Jemerov
>> Development Lead
>> JetBrains, Inc.
>> http://www.jetbrains.com/
>> "Develop with Pleasure!"
Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

Hello Dmitri,

This problem is in Selena and has been reported by several people on this
newsgroups (I created a defect
http://www.jetbrains.net/jira/browse/IDEA-17449 as well). The symptom is a
very heavy dis activity for a minute or so completely freezing Selena for
duration but always coming back just fine. It happens consistently almost
immediatel after Selena startup (sometimes I can do few clicks before it
kicks in) and then couple of time during the day or next day if I leave
Selena running overnight.

I do not know if it is cache rebuild or something else because file monitor
showing constant read of D: drive and no any info (file path) I would expect
to see. My system config resides on D: drive

Here is stack trace
http://www.jetbrains.net/jira/secure/attachment/25150/idea.txt (I did dump
twice while Selena was busy with disk access)

"Dmitry Jemerov" <yole@jetbrains.com> wrote in message

Hello Alex,


If you're seeing the problem in Selena, this is a different problem
compared to what the original poster was talking about, and I can't tell
anything about it unless you provide more details.

>> It happens not on startup only but few times during the day. Do you
>> think it will also be solved in Diana?
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
>> "Dmitry Jemerov" <yole@jetbrains.com> wrote in message
>> news:609b4cc997f448ca6f60d2e1c632@news.jetbrains.com...
>>> Hello Bonny,
>>>> Is anyone else seeing this?
>>>> Every time i start up IDEA and open the project I'm working on, IDEA
>>>> rebuilds the cache files. I cannot see exceptions indicated with the
>>>> RCOE that relate to the files...
>>> Whatever the problem was, we've implemented a new fault tolerance
>>> system for the indexes which will appear in the next Diana EAP. It
>>> should solve most of the problems like this one.
>>> --
>>> Dmitry Jemerov
>>> Development Lead
>>> JetBrains, Inc.
>>> http://www.jetbrains.com/
>>> "Develop with Pleasure!"

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"



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