Problems with 7.0.3 and JDK6u5 and workaround for JDK bug 4818143
Hi all,
Before submitting a JIRA issue, I wanted to ask for feedback in the forums:
We get the message box "You're seeing this because of the workaround to
JRE issue: \n IDEA would
hang otherwise. The system clipboard might not be
working correctly. It is recommended to restart IDEA" (screenshot
attached), although the bug is marked 'fixed' in
Mustang b40 - we're running under JDK6u5.
Funny: this happens when copying purely from IDEA editor to IDEA editor,
no external apps involved! (and the system
clipboard keeps working, even when it happens multiple times)
Tried to search JIRA, only found IDEA-1738 (resolved) and IDEADEV-1264
Environment is OpenSuse 10.3, IDEA 7.0.3, JDK6u5
Any idea? Should I file a JIRA?
kind regards,
P.S.: I posted this via the http forums because when I try to post via news, I
get an NNTP error "Spam is not acceptable here...", i.e. I cannot post _at
all_! It can't be the email address since others post with 'faked' (anti-spam) ones
too, so what can I do to be able to post again???
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