focus of idea 8.0?

what will be the focus of idea 8.0?
more refactorings? more supported frameworks? more languages? a godlike debugger?


Will fix focus under Linux ;)

HamsterofDeath wrote:

what will be the focus of idea 8.0?
more refactorings? more supported frameworks? more languages? a godlike debugger

Best regards,
Maxim Mossienko
IntelliJ Labs / JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"


personally, i'd love to see some kind of magical screen like they used in minority report. you grab a method and simply throw it into another class, make hand signs for loops, ifs, elses and so on. that would be cool.


I hope, the focus of the next release will be fixing bugs...


Hello Tom,

I hope, the focus of the next release will be fixing bugs...

To exactly the same degree as any other release. We fixed a lot of bugs in
7.0, and will fix another lot of bugs in 8.0.

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


To exactly the same degree as any other release. We fixed a lot of bugs
in 7.0, and will fix another lot of bugs in 8.0.

Which only helps when not introducing much more new ones. The strange thing
is, that with each new release me and my co-workers have the feeling that
beside some new features a larger amount of new bugs are introduced.
Features that work OK in one version become unreliable in the next one (e.g.
inspections, esp. the "weaken access"). Even worse, the number of open bugs
seems to increase with each new release. Not asking "when did you plan to
fix this one" for each reported bug a couple of times does not mean we have
no interest any more in these bugs being fixed. Finally, a large number of
enthusiastic developers help you by alpha/beta testing your product(s). Then
your team should honor our work (yes, it is work to report bugs, no fun) by
taking these bug reports seriously and fix them in the near future. At least
that should make a difference to some free competing products.



As one co-worker of Thomas I want to confirm this. I do well understand that IDEA is a large and complex application and will probably never be free of bugs. But also from my personal perception IDEA is not as reliable as I would like it from a tool which manipulates my source code.

I have got accustomed to ignore the "internal error" sign blinking in the status bar. I don't pay much attention to it, because it is unobtrusive (hopefully the internal errors are as unobtrusive as well). Sometimes I'm sending the bug reports, sometimes not. I also got accustomed to the inspections -- a former "killer" feature -- being not stable (I think they worked better in IDEA 5, I'm using IDEA 6, no experience with IDEA 7), the compiler will tell me problems anyway.

Finally, I still like to work with IDEA and I appreciate the work done at JetBrains, I only would wish to reduce pace a bit and instead focus on repairing the existing functionality.


Even though I'm not a co-worker of you two, I agree on what you say Marc. I've just encountered a nasty bug which prevents me from debugging (or, to be more exact: it takes me 1.5 minutes to attach to the VM). But this is not an isolated case: I encounter a lot of lockups, slowdowns, red blinking lights (Groovy, but also in Java stuff), inspections which are not working (because 'Analysis is still in progress', weird ALT+ENTER beheviour (sometime it will allow me to do a quick fix, sometimes an import, but the result is always different. Only when I wait a second or 10, it will behave as expected, but an IDE which slows me down is not worth my money.) In overal, I'd also like some stability, no (critical) bugs, and no things which used to work in previous versions.

Stability is really, or actually, should be, a key feature!


my biggest problem is slow editing in really big files. i'm using a single core p4@3ghz at work and have to wait several seconds between edits, code completition responses and so on if the current file is big (> 4k lines)

this could be improved a lot -> inspect the visible methods (the ones i actually see in the editor right now) at first and stop inspecting the code while i'm typing


Hello HamsterofDeath,

my biggest problem is slow editing in really big files. i'm using a
single core p4@3ghz at work and have to wait several seconds between
edits, code completition responses and so on if the current file is
big (> 4k lines)

this could be improved a lot -> inspect the visible methods (the ones
i actually see in the editor right now) at first and stop inspecting
the code while i'm typing

Both of these optimizations are present in IntelliJ IDEA for a very long
time. You're very much welcome to file JIRA issues with attached CPU snapshots.

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


HamsterofDeath - what are the JIRA link(s) for your performance issues with cpu snapshots? I'd like to vote/watch them.


An Ant debugger! This is the one thing IDEA doesn't do that Eclipse does very well.

I need it! I want it!

Douglas Bullard


Working with ant leaves a lot to be desired.

1. Please just introduce sorting in "Ant Build" window. I've got more than 100 ant builds there and it is quite a mess to find the necessary one.

2. Please introduce modules and groups for ant builds as you did for java projects.

3. Ant debugger.


Please add "find/filter by typing Ant build name" ;)

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i'm having trouble filing a jira issue. (i get a blank page right now). i'd upload the snapshot here, but "no" says the forum, "the file is too big" (2.5mb).

i'll try again later and post a link to the issue here.

(did anyone get the "no"-says-the-forum-joke?)


Hello HamsterofDeath,

i'm having trouble filing a jira issue. (i get a blank page right
now). i'd upload the snapshot here, but "no" says the forum, "the file
is too big" (2.5mb).

i'll try again later and post a link to the issue here.

You can upload the snapshot to and tell its
name here.

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


the file name is "idea 7.0.1 slow"

i edited one single line, using code completition and ctrlw a few times and shiftctrl+I once and switched to another file by clicking on one of the editor tabs. the editor needed a few seconds to respond to almost any hotkey stroke.

don't know what the commands are called, i just know the hotkeys^^

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personally, i'd love to see some kind of magical
screen like they used in minority report. you grab a
method and simply throw it into another class, make
hand signs for loops, ifs, elses and so on. that
would be cool.

I just want to type "public class myClass {", press Ctrl-Space and have IDEA complete all my code for me. :D


Hello HamsterofDeath,

the file name is "idea 7.0.1 slow"

i edited one single line, using code completition and ctrl+w a few
times and shiftctrlf7 once and switched to another file by clicking
on one of the editor tabs. the editor needed a few seconds to respond
to almost any hotkey stroke.

Thanks for the snapshot!

How many unversioned files do you have? If you have directories with large
amount of generated code, the performance should improve a lot if you set
Version Control to None for these directories.

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


about 15k (compiled classes).
i reduced the number to 37. i'll see if that helps.


Hello HamsterofDeath,

about 15k (compiled classes).
i reduced the number to 37. i'll see if that helps.

Compiled classes should be excluded from the project altogether, via Project
Structure | Paths.

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


Yikes - 100 ant builds listed in the ide?

I have to ask - how often to you use each of those 100?

Victor Novik wrote:

1. Please just introduce sorting in "Ant Build" window. I've got more than 100 ant builds there and it is quite a mess to find the necessary one.


performance problem solved. why does the number of unversioned files matter that much?


Yes Mark, more than 100 xmls.
Welcome to the enterprise development world.

I use very often at least 40-50.
We have more than 2000 components (+ lots of custom projects) being developed or supported in our company. Every component has its own build.xml.



do you use a single idea project for everything?


Personally, I'd prefer less rigid user interface. Currently, IDEA has the least customizable UI from all the major Java IDEs.

And as usual: more frameworks, more languages, more refactorings/inspections.


I use single IDEA project per release (release-specific libraries are collected on project level).
One IDEA module per component.

In order to speed up IDEA startup I use "Offline Module" plugin.
So there are about 20-30 modules are active and 70-80 are disabled at the moment in the IDE.
The IDEA startup time + the project loading time is less than 30 seconds (P4, 2Mhz, RAM 2GB, HDD IDE Seagate 5400RPM, 4MB).

I'd like to use this opportunity and to thank IDEA team because they greatly improved IDEA startup time in 7.0. Thank you guys, well done!


If I can add some wishes:

Realistic ones:
- Integrated Profiler
- Maven1 Support
- Port of Mylyn

- Something like TOAD integerated into IDEA


Hello Michal,

If I can add some wishes:

Realistic ones:
- Integrated Profiler

What's the main value of an integrated profiler for you, compared to, for
example, YourKit's IntelliJ IDEA integration?

- Maven1 Support

No plans for this one, sorry.

- Something like TOAD integerated into IDEA

This is actually quite realistic too.

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


Hello Michal,

If I can add some wishes:

Realistic ones:
- Integrated Profiler

What's the main value of an integrated profiler for
you, compared to, for
example, YourKit's IntelliJ IDEA integration?

From non technically point of view form the top of my head I can find followings profits:
- Price. Your Kit feature wise does very little comparing to IDEA and costs the same!
- Simpler installation
- Less licenses to buy, upgrade - less paper work in general ;)

I have been using Your Kit quite a lot and honestly I used it rather as standalone application as I had some issues running it in Intellij (don't remember details).
I find Idea's intuitive UI superior to Your Kit. I'd like to see how Jet Brains can reinvent intelligent profiler ;)



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