Ubuntu eats my shortcuts: Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Up/Down
I am about to finish a big refactoring and want to clean up my changes before commit.
There are keyboard shortcuts to navigate to the next/previous change in a file: Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Down/Up
However IDEA never receives those keystrokes.
I managed to get rid of all other conflicting shortcuts in Ubuntu, but cannot figure out who eats these particular three-modifiers-combinations :-(
Ubuntu 12.0.4 with Cinnamon 1.8.8
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System > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Navigation > Move window one workspace to the <direction>
Change or disable them. As for me, I never used those operations so I disabled them.
Thanks for the answer.

I already disabled all shortcuts there, so _all_ items in there only show "unassigned" and no other item in any of the other category has such a mapping:
When I run "xev" in the terminal it displays
KeymapNotify event, serial 32, synthetic NO, window 0x0,
when I press ctrl-alt-shift-down.
For all regular combinations it shows proper Keypress events.
How did you solve this problem? I have exactly the same issues
@Sperez have you tried https://askubuntu.com/a/980116, https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/394150?
In the end I switched to Kubuntu 😊
Initially I gave up and assigned a different keyboard shortcut to move to next/previous change. I just revisited this approach since I wanted to use the default shortcuts. I ended up having a to disable the following in order to get it working as expected
In Ubuntu Unity 8 (based on Gnome Shell, Ubuntu 18.04 or newer), by default the `Shift+Meta+Page Up` is used for "move window one workspace up", but I think there is also an invisible binding for `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Up` as well. You can get rid of this invisible binding, by opening the Settings / Devices / Keyboard and manually setting the "Move window one workspace up" to Shift+Meta+Page Up. The setting key combination will show in bold, and now the `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Up` should no longer be captured by Unity.
I am using CLion in Ubuntu and I had a simiar issue but with a different key binding Ctrl+Alt+Up. I tried different approached but none worked. Reading Skype Book's comment https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=321094 pointed me in the right direction. What did the trick for me was to
, removedput-maximize key
@...'s solution solved it for me in Ubuntu 20.04.
An easier way is to define a shortcut exactly with ctrl+shift+alt+arrowdown and other with ctrl+shift+alt+arrowup. This way unity will erase any shortcut with these commands. After that you just set the commands back to the previous one and now the commands will work on your IDE. :)
Vysny's solution works for Ubuntu 22.04. Please don't forget to assign this shortcut in IDEA because it's not assigned by default in GNOME keymap.
Also there is "Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down" that moves code block up/down, available by default.
For me (ubuntu 22, gnome), worked next solution: bind ctrl+shift+up/down in system keyboard shortcuts to any action (anything), and then get rid of these shortcuts. Right after this, IDE will capture shortcuts and stretch windows.
Zsidelnik bingo!
I tried disabling Ctrl+Shift+{Up|Down} shortcuts from moving windows across workspaces in GNOME.
This won't work alone!
Only after assigning Ctrl+Shift+{Up|Down} shortcuts to something irrelevant like "Volume up" and "Volume down" and then disabling these shortcuts from "Volume up" and "Volume down", they become trully unassigned to anything.
Then the event falls through GNOME into IDEA.
I think it's a GNOME bug that it does not get it immediately.
I dont found this keybinding in settings. But after editing in dconf-editor it start working.
Hello everyone.
Tried Vysny solution and it didn't work for me!
Just created ‘fake’ shortcuts with this keys as Matheusmolin suggested and then removed them, after that everything works just fine.
Chiming in from Gnome + Ubuntu 24.04
I went to make a ‘fake’ shortcut with my target key combo that was mysteriously not working - ctrl + alt + up-arrow in my case - and the system-settings UI says “This shortcut is currently used by Move Window one Workspace Down”
There is no system-settings shortcut for “Move Window one Workspace Down” because workspaces are horizontal now. But the shortcut was secretly there, somewhere.
I made the fake shortcut, overriding the invisible one; then deleted it, and now my shortcuts work. Thanks for the helpful thread!