More Hibernate validation issues

I am using Hibernate with Spring and received some validation errors that I believe are incorrect. In the code snippit below, I receive a type mismatch on current_date() saying that java.util.Date type is expected. However, current_date() should fulfill this type. The second and third errors I am receiving are that IDEA can not resolve the two query parameters in the setParameterList method calls even thou they are defined in the query. Before I submitted these as bugs, I would like to get some input.


I String HQL =
"from CASE a where a.case_id_nmbr in ("+
"select distinct pad.plnadmCaseIdNmbr from Planadministration pad," +
" CASE cs, Assignment asg "+
" WHERE pad.plnadmOngoingAsmptnDate <= current_date() "+
" and cs.case_cascateg_code is not null "+
" and cs.case_cascateg_code <> 0 "+
" and asg.assignDeptDivCode in (:divisions) "+
" and asg.assignEndDate is null "+
" and asg.assignCaseIdNmbr=pad.plnadmCaseIdNmbr "+
" and pad.plnadmCaseIdNmbr = cs.case_id_nmbr "+
" and 0 = "+
" ( select count (*) " +
" from CaseMilestone cml "+
" where cml.casmlstnCaseIdNmbr = cs.case_id_nmbr " +
" and (cml.casmlstnFinalizedFlag is null or cml.casmlstnFinalizedFlag = 'N') "+
" and not (cml.casmlstnReftypeCode in (:TPDRefTypes) )" +
" and cml.casmlstnReftypeCode not in " +
" (select ref.reftype_code FROM ReferralType ref WHERE ref.reftype_archive_flag='Y')"+
" ) "+
") " +
"order by a.case_id_nmbr";

Query query = session.createQuery(HQL);
query.setParameterList("TPDRefTypes", TPDRefTypes);
Collection caseList = query.list();


I think it's a good idea to create two separate issues. (Better too much
issues in JIRA than too few)


Permanently deleted user

Definitely. Just trying to make sure it was not user error as I am new to Hibernate / Spring in general and in IDEA.

Permanently deleted user

Definitely. Just trying to make sure it was not user error as I am new to Hibernate / Spring in general and in IDEA.

These are really bugs, so please fire 2 issues.


Hello Steve,

Definitely. Just trying to make sure it was not user error as I am new
to Hibernate / Spring in general and in IDEA.

By the way, you can use

blocks to insert example code snippets
in a JIRA issue.


Permanently deleted user

tt: Thanks for the JIRA tip. I'll use it next time.

The issues opened are:


Hello Steve,

tt: Thanks for the JIRA tip. I'll use it next time.

The issues opened are:

Another good idea is to add yourself as "Watcher" to the newly created issue.
Quite often more information is needed to reproduce a bug, and if the original
reporter doesn't comment such JIRA tickets end up in limbo forever.

Actually, every single bug tracker I've ever used added the reporter to the
"CC"/"Watchers" field automatically.
I think it would be a good idea if the Jetbrains JIRA instance did the same


Permanently deleted user

Hello Taras,

Actually, every single bug tracker I've ever used added the reporter
to the
"CC"/"Watchers" field automatically.
I think it would be a good idea if the Jetbrains JIRA instance did the
same thing.

This is not necessary because the reporter receives comment notifications
even when he's not watching the issue.

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


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