See the image and log files attached - attempting to check out file from ClearCase fails.
Checkout works Ok with Java sources but only fails when I attempt to check out any .xhtml file. Checking out file using ClearCase explorer works fine.
Selena build 7230, WinXP SP2, jdk1.6.0_01
Only .xhtml files inside "/web-inf/" can not be checked out.
For example, the following file can be checked out:
But the following can not:
Project's root is c:\cc_storage\eg_ong_POC_1.5\Platform\Private\APP\POC\application\,
"pocfe" is a Web module. Project's structure (created with Maven) is also attached.
I see that checkout fails for any file below "/web-inf/" folder: just tied some other XML files (web.xml, etc) - all of them fail with the same error message
Dear Evgeny,
EG> I see that checkout fails for any file below "/web-inf/"
EG> folder: just tied some other XML files (web.xml, etc) - all of them
EG> fail with the same error message
Are they checkoutable manually?
best wishes,
Michael Gerasimov,
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
Dear Evgeny,
Looking into the log file did not suggest any reasonable explanation - cleartool
just fails with this message. The same message appears to me if I'm trying
to "co" any unversioned file. The same is true if I want to perform some
operations on hijacked file (e.g. in earlier versions of CCase plugin it
was impossible to view the file's history - "cleartool lshistory ..." failed
with the same message on hijacked files).
best wishes,
Michael Gerasimov,
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
Absolutely, I can checkout them manually using ClearCase explorer without any problem.
The problem could be caused by IDEA lowercasing the "WEB-INF" folder - it's uppercased on disk but lowercased in the error message. See the image attached of the project view - it's lowercased there as well.
The screenshot of CC Explorer where WEB-INF is uppercased
Btw, can you say anything about supporting of CCRC (ClearCase Remote Client) ?
how does it appear in windows explorer ?
if it is in lower case, you probably should delete it and checkout again , i've seen this kind of problem happening with subversion
It appears uppercased - see the image
I discussed that with other CCase-involved people and we decided that in
principle it is not difficult at all to implement remote client, especially
taking into the account that its architecture will simplify plugin's structure
as well. I hope we will start this discussion again short before v7 release
and include it into the roadmap for minor updates.
best wishes,
Michael Gerasimov,
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
We have a supposition that it's not a CCase's problem but rather
the one of new VirtualFileSystem. We will try to investigate the moment when
the casing changes in IDEA's project view.
best wishes,
Michael Gerasimov,
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
Nice. Thanks for both updates !
Dear Evgeny,
Could you please specify approximate steps for reproducing? I mean:
1. Was the project constructed form scratch and put into the CCase repository,
or it was just binded in the IDEA?
2. Was it the IDEA project? (or converted from somewhere)?
3. Were there any refactorings which caused the lowercasing of WEB-INF folder
in Project structure view? I mean that this casing must not change without
any related operation (like rename, copying, etc).
thanx in advance,
Michael Gerasimov,
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
I'm seeing this same issue on a directory in my clearcase view. I'm having a problem with a directory named "addEditEmployee". (I don't think this is specific to WEB-INF). I get the same error trying to checkout any files under it (not an object in the vob.) From the clearcase log, I can see the TransparentVsc doing the following command:
2007-08-27 09:34:57,290 INFO - rge.transparent.TransparentVcs - |cleartool lsvtree -g C:/view/snap2/cca/payx_lt/webapp/resources/pages/addeditemployee
Notice the case of "addeditemployee". It is not uppercased like the vob object "addEditEmployee".
I've tested this out on the command line, and it fails using the all lower case version. It works if I use the correct case. I have not changed or refactored anything in clearcase or intelliJ to cause this.
1-My project has existed in clearcase before I used IntelliJ with it. (Binded)
2-This was an intelliJ project, not converted from anything else.
3-no refactorings.
I've switched back to 7118 for now, and it is working there.
Hope this helps,
1. The project was generated using Maven's archetype and then added to the CC.
2. It was always IDEA project (someone has to pay me to even think of using Eclipse..)
3. The one that I remember: some faces-config-xyz.xml files in WEB-INF were moved to "/WEB-INF/faces-config/" folder. We had 4 of them and preferred to keep all of them in a separate folder rather than in WEB-INF. All other WEB-INF files were not renamed for a long time already (we had it's structure stabilized), only may be some new ones were added.
Just my 2c, sorry if this sounds stupid - IDEA may compare casing between the disk and Project panel and fix when required.
I guess my answer for 1. means also "binded"
Dear Evgeny,
EG> Just my 2c, sorry if this sounds stupid - IDEA may compare casing
EG> between the disk and Project panel and fix when required.
I suppose there is a core bug which is severe enough, and it is desirable
to fix it per se rather than deal with different workarounds.
best wishes,
Michael Gerasimov,
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
Michael, I'll be the last one to propose a workaround instead of fixing a bug - believe me or ask somebody who've worked with me for the last years ... What I just said above is a way for IDEA to verify that "everything is still Ok" - the moment is sees the case difference between the disk and Project panel it may simply throw an exception or log it or do whatever it needs to do (I always go for throwing an exception, for example). I would make this check after fixing a bug - in my code I always have tons of various verifiers running in run-time and verifying "We're still doing just fine"
One more question - is the view dynamic?
best wishes,
Michael Gerasimov,
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
No, it's a snapshot view
Mine was a snapshot view as well.
If you generate a jira bug for this, let us know the number for tracking. Or if this is fixed in another eap, just let us know the version. For the time being, I'm sticking w/ 7118.
Dear Lloyd,
After some discussions here we came to some solution which will be included
in the nearest EAP build. Please feel free to report the results.
best wishes,
Michael Gerasimov,
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
So, it sounds to me like you are NOT including CCRC into version 7 after all? This may be a deal-breaker for my department... Please let me know.
Dear Mr. Johnson,
C> So, it sounds to me like you are NOT including CCRC into version 7
C> after all? This may be a deal-breaker for my department... Please
C> let me know.
You are right. CCRC is in the plans for the "after 7.0" version and currently
we are in the "feature freeze" state.
best wishes,
Michael Gerasimov,
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
Thank so much for your quick response. I wonder if you have any general timeframe for this... not calendar dates or anything, but... would CCRC support happen fairly soon after v7 ships (like a v7.1 or similar)? Or is your intention more to release it into a v7.5 or v8.0 timeframe?
Thanks. --cj in Denver
Dear C. Johnson,
C> similar)? Or is your intention more to release it into a v7.5 or
C> v8.0 timeframe?
For CC support in 7.0 there is nothing conceptually new. So this branch will
be developed on per-request basis. I personally want to start CCRC design
right after the release.
best wishes,
Michael Gerasimov,
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
I just checked in the latest EAP 7269. This is still an issue. One more thing to note. I have the project view in the left gutter showing, and the directory name still says "addeditemployee" there, rather then "addEditEmployee".
Was a fix included in 7269?
thanks again,
That is good news. Our team will be anxious to try it as soon as it's ready. Thanks, --cj