plugin incompatibility Play 2.0 Support & Scala
I'm getting this error after updating to 12.1.4.
Incompatible plugin detected
Plugin Play 2.0 Support of version 0.2.49 is icompatible with Scala plugin of version 0.10.279. Do you want to disable Play 2.0 Support plugin?
Is this a problem that's generally going to get fixed soon? I'm new to IDEA, so maybe this is something that happens often...
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To me, this implies that a fix for this plugin will be compatible with version 13 of the IDE and up, which kind of sucks.
I wonder if you can still import and work on projects without having the play integration. But yeah, if you want the updated plugin, you will need the intellij 13 early release.
I'd like to see continued support for the Play 2 plugin on the stable/release line of IntelliJ 12 Ultimate.
Can someone from jetbrains comment?
There is a workaround (use the old scala plugin) at
You can vote for this issue to be resolved there.
You can use nightly builds
nevermind =/