Is it possible to add new JDBC or SQL syntax for autocompletion to IDEA like in PHPStorm?
Several months ago I contributed CUBRID PHP API syntax to PHPStorm to enable autocompletion for functions and other API members. The contribution is now live in the latest version of PHPStorm.
Now I wonder whether I can contribute JDBC API functions and new SQL syntax for CUBRID Database to IDEA IDE.
For example, right now IDEA cannot recognize basic SQL such as AUTO_INCREMENT, AFTER as well as numerous SQL functions such as ADD_MONTHS. So I wanted to fill in this gap.
If it is possible, would you please point me to the documentation where I should look to get started.
UPDATE: I found SQL Support for Java Developers page. But how I can add new Dialect for CUBRID Database?
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I'm not sure what you mean by "adding JDBC functions". JDBC is just a Java library, the list of JDBC functions is not hard-coded anywhere in IntelliJ IDEA.
At the moment we don't provide any documentation for implementing custom SQL dialects.
This means users cannot contirbute to SQL Dialect, right?
No. There are extension points for plugging custom SQL dialects, but as I said, we do not have any documentation for that available at the moment.
When do you plan to publish such documentation? I also need other dialect than default ones.
I would also be interested in adding a custom dialect. Currently mysql throws error in drupal code due to table names being wrapped in curly braces.
I have the same issue with Drupal syntax highlighting and would love this to be supported!
Have things changed over the past few years?
Would like to add a custom dialect as well (SAP HANA SQLScript) but have trouble finding documentation on how to approach this.