Selena and Maven synchronization

Is there any way to sort the dependencies after synchronization is done between the poms and Selenas project files?
If you want to check in the project files, this is absolutely necessary, because you don't want to have a diff each time you sync'ed the project.


I never check in the project files - only the pom.xml file and use that as a master.



Same here - there's no need to keep the *.ipr file checked in as it's generated automatically whenever required (previously with "mvn idea:idea" now with opening a pom.xml from IDEA). It took me some time to get used to it, though ..


But what do you do if you use TeamCity and want to have cool things like Code Coverage or Code Inspections?
These types of builds work on IPR (and IML) files. I cuttently do see a solution there without checking them in.


Well, you got me - those settings are not shared today in our team ...


The solution to enable checking in the IPR would be really easy:
Selena should (just like Maven Reloaded does) sort the dependencies:
First, list the module inter-dependencies alphabetically, then the (alphabetically sorted) JAR-dependencies.
Shouldn't be a big issue, I hope it can be included in one of the next releases.


Is it guaranteed, that the order right now of the dependencies is at least constant?
Maven reloaded once had the problem to store the dependencies internally in a HashMap and as a result every time a project was opened, the order was different (changing it to a TreeMap solved the problem).
Currently, in Selena the dependencies look somehow unordered, but it seems like the order is at least constant over time.
Can you confirm this?


The way I see it - all dependencies are sorted alphabetically. Are we talking about same thing ? See the image


Hm, in my project, it looks like this: (see atached img)


Ok, all third-parties are still ordered. Other project's modules are ordered as well but they start in the middle of third-parties list and that's what I would call weird: in you case "Kernel" module is coming right after "castor", in our case we have "poc" module located between "cglib" and "com.sun.facelets" ... I would expect all modules be still sorted but always coming before third-parties (which are also sorted)


Attached a screenshot for "pocfe" module depending on "poc"


That's exactly what I would expect as well.
It wouldn't be a problem though if the current order, despite looking weird, always was constant.
Right now, at least it looks like that, but I'd like to have some confirmation from Jetbrains, if this is true.
However having the order as expected would be even nicer.


Then you can't share run configurations or code analysis profiles, regardless of whether you use TeamCity or not.


Can anybody from jetbrains say something on this?


Can anybody from jetbrains say something on this now that M2 is out?
Will the dependencies in the generated .iml files be at least always be in the same order?


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