Please help! IntelliJ 11 just deleted all my files!!!!!


Sorry for the multiple exclamation marks but IntelliJ 11 ust deleted all my projects. In fact, it even deleted all the prjects that were not open in IntelliJ!!!
Could someone please tell me how I can recover those files ? Or am I to assume they are all gone!

How did this happen ? I am not sure but the last time I saw my code was when I opened IntelliJ and it opened the projects that were previously open. It began to index one of them but I did not need that project open and I closed it. IntelliJ became unresponsive and I closed all the projects. I try to open them again and there is nothing!!!  Including the ones which were not even open in IntelliJ!!!   There is a major bug in IntelliJ and I am paying a heavy price for it now!

Why does not IntelliJ use the trash bin when it deletes a file!!! !@!!

Permanently deleted user

Thanks for replying.
I am 101% sure I did not explicitly delete the sources!
And how does it explain IntelliJ deleting all the other IntelliJ projects which were not even open at that time ?

I had over 40 projects (some can be recovered and some cannot!) and all of them...ALL OF THEM...wiped clean!

In the 5 years I have been using IntellI, this sort of a thing has never happened. This leads me to believe there is a serious bug in IntelliJ 11

And there is no question of recovering from local history because there are no local files any more. All of them are deleted!


IntelliJ IDEA itself does not delete user files or projects without user
request. Most likely you need to explicitly choose project to open via
file chooser. If you asked IntelliJ IDEA to delete source file you can
use local history to restore it.

On 4/5/2013 3:22 PM, Adi B wrote:

Sorry for the multiple exclamation marks but IntelliJ 11 ust deleted all my projects. In fact, it even deleted all the prjects that were not open in IntelliJ!!!
Could someone please tell me how I can recover those files ? Or am I to assume they are all gone!


How did this happen ? I am not sure but the last time I saw my code was when I opened IntelliJ and it opened the projects that were previously open. It began to index one of them but I did not need that project open and I closed it. IntelliJ became unresponsive and I closed all the projects. I try to open them again and there is nothing!!!  Including the ones which were not even open in IntelliJ!!!   There is a major bug in IntelliJ and I am paying a heavy price for it now!


Why does not IntelliJ use the trash bin when it deletes a file!!! !@!!


Original message URL:


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Just happened to me - the second time this week!! After clicking on "Build - Rebuild project" idea deleted the complete directory structure with all my uncommited sources and two days work, only .idea directory remained and its also corrupted. IDEA version 2016.1.2


Hi Peter,

we're sorry for that. It's strange that this may happen, we have special checks to ensure that 'Rebuild Project' won't delete the sources even if the project is misconfigured (e.g. if output directory is set to the project root and 'clear output on rebuild' option is enabled). Probably these check didn't work in your case. Could you please attach the project configuration files (if they were stored in VCS): .idea directory and *.iml files? Also please attach idea.log file. You may also create an issue and attach these files privately if you don't want to show them in public.

Permanently deleted user

I even got this in 2016.2.4. I had a folder in which I had some intellij projects. They are all LOST!!!. I even had a .git folder (which I unlickily did not bother about commiting earlier), that is also GONE. Very unrelaible ide

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Just experienced this last night with IntelliJ 13, and lost 2 days worth of work. Was off site so could not push to our self hosted GitLab. Was working on updating a project to java 8 from 7 along with Grails from 2.3 to 2.5. Tried to do a rebuild and everything was deleted including the .git file. Extremely frustrated, how do I prevent this from happening again and why does a rebuild even touch my .git file?

Permanently deleted user

opened a ticket for a bug which looked like deleting all my files .

eventually, all files were just dragged to my desktop - hope it helps.

Permanently deleted user

This just happened to me

IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1.5
Build #IU-171.4694.70, built on July 4, 2017

JRE: 1.8.0_112-release-736-b21 amd64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Windows 10 10.0

My laptop appeared to have gone to sleep, nothing on the screen, but the power button was lit up (not slowly blinking) and it would not respond to mouse events or keyboard. I hard powered it off and then back on. Project was gone.

 'Local History | Show History'  was "disabled" as if there was no history to show.

Fortunately I only lost a day's worth of work. Could it have been caused by some weird interaction with Outlook, or Spotify, or Chrome? Anyway, I've restored the project and am back to work.

Permanently deleted user


I tried a few open source projects and the problem reproduces with some of them and doesn't with others.  I can share with you workspace data for those open source projects.  Where should I send the data?  I don't want to make it so anyone can access it because it may possibly contain sensitive data.




You could send links to yaroslav.bedrov"at"


Permanently deleted user

Yaroslav, I sent the project files to the address. Please take a look.


I tried CentOS, which uses different Linux kernel version and file system, and the problem reproduced.


Then I continued investigation using Linux tools such as inotify and strace and something very weird happened.


First, I used inotifywait to monitor what happens to the file system when I clicked the build button.  Result showed someone actually deleted those files.  To be precise, .directories such as git were moved to somewhere and files such as .gitignore were deleted.


Then, I attached strace to a process that runs idea.Main class to verify that it is IntelliJ who issues those file system operations.  To my surprise, the build finished without a problem and after that build continued to succeed.  I haven't had the problem reproduce again even after machine reboot.



Thanks for information! We'll investigate the issue on  our side.

Permanently deleted user

Something similar happened to me on 10.5 version.

I use shortcuts a lot and I must have cleared up all my non-versioned files inadvertently and "lost" a bunch of files in one package (but not what was added or commited to my SCM).

I couldn't see them in IntelliJ and they were gone from the file system. To make matters worse "Version Control -> Local History" wouldn't show as active!!!

So I noticed my project structure panel looked different and went to change it back to "View as -> Project" and now "Version Control -> Local History" was showing again :). All my "lost" files were there in the local history. After reviewing the local history it looked like they had all been deleted so I reverted back to the last change when they were all there, it saved me a lot of rework!

Hope this helps someone else in a similar situation.

Permanently deleted user entire team has downgraded to 10.5.4 now X-( We are all a little concerned about v11...
Anyway...fingers crossed!


 Hi 13ics057,

we're sorry. What did you do in IDE before that happened? Could you please create an issue and attach your idea.log file to it?



we're sorry for that. If the files were deleted during rebuild most probably it means that you have 'Clear output directory on rebuild' option enabled in Settings | Compiler, and an output directory of some of your modules was set to the project root directory. We added checks to prevent such problems, but I think some of them were added after IDEA 13 was released.

If you can restore the project configuration files (.idea directory and *.iml files) and create an issue in our tracker, probably we will be able to find out why this happened and is your case covered by out checks.


BTW maybe it's possible to restore your files even if your project was completely deleted. IntelliJ IDEA saves history of your recent changes in its caches, so if you create an empty project with same name in the same directory where deleted project was located and then invoke 'Local History | Show History' action in the popup menu on the root node in Project View, it'll show you the recent changes and you'll be able to rollback files deletion.

Permanently deleted user

PyCharm just deleted all my data files. Did anyone figure out a way to restore deleted files?


Ryschaeffer, you can try restoring the files using Local History as I described in my previous comment.

And it would be great if you create an issue in PyCharm's bug tracker describing what you were doing when files had been deleted and attach idea.log (Help | Show Log) to it.

Permanently deleted user

I had the same issue today...lost all my project data. I had dragged a file out from IntelliJ to the desktop and everything is gone from the project (including the git files). Lost so much work. I have tried all the above mentioned suggestions but nothing seems to help.

IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1.3
Build #IC-171.4424.56, built on May 12, 2017
Mac OS X 10.12.6

Permanently deleted user

Hi installed pycharm-professional-2017.2.3  to evaluate it in consideration for most of our big data projects at work. All my files are gone!!!! Can someone tell me how to get my files back pls??? This is frustrating..

Permanently deleted user

I hit this problem.

I am a new member of a team.  It happens when I click the build button for the first time with any build target selected, after I install IntelliJ, cloned a Gradle project from a shared Git repository, open the project in IntelliJ, and let IntelliJ index and link the project.  The .git directory is also gone so there is no way to recover.

It is 100% reproducible on this particular environment.  I tried both the community edition and ultimate edition and both have the problem.  It doesn't reproduce on OSX and for other team members.

IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2.5
Build #IU-172.4343.14, built on September 26, 2017
Licensed to IntelliJ IDEA Evaluator
Expiration date: November 16, 2017
JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-915-b12 amd64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Linux 4.10.0-37-generic

Ubuntu 17.04

Permanently deleted user

I tried below options but none resolved the problem.

- Clean install of the OS

- Another storage device

- Version 2017.1.5




Do you face the same issue with other projects? Is it possible to share it? If no, please provide ".idea" folder and ".iml" file after importing project and idea.log ("Help | Show Log in...") after reproducing the issue.


Permanently deleted user

A colleague told me about the "Delegating IDE build/run actions to Gradle" option and I found this option prevents the problem.

Permanently deleted user

Hey guys,

Sorry for my message, but I got nowhere else to vent my frustration :( I was just working on my project (for 2 days) and decided to git init and try to create a .gitignore file. Then, without notice, IntelliJ "rm -rf"-ed my entire project, leaving only an almost empty target folder. No question, no trace, no nothing, just the dissapearing act :(( There go 2 days of work and leaving EaseUS Recovery Wizard to try and recuperate something, but it looks like the delete was very thorough. I'm so frustrated and sad right now, not really know what else to do :( Is there any IntelliJ log I could submit? I mention I'm using the Community Edition on MacOS High Sierra. 




Please upload full logs folder zipped ( to our FTP:

use or FTP: (anonymous login, .uploads directory has no permissions to list/download files, only for upload, so that other users will not be able to download your files)

Did you run "git init" from command line?




Hi! It is also happening to me and I reproduced the problem 3 times with Pycharm 2017.3.3.

1 - Invalidate cahces /Restart  

2 - Open a new project from github using Pycharm interface

3 - Say yes to switch to scientific mode, change python interpreter to 2.7

4- Say no to adding a project file VCS xml to git

5 - Create a new python file, copy the content from a neighbor file, edit - Run the new script

6- A window appear saying "failed to save settings please restart pycharm"

--> After closing the popup, Everything is deleted! Reproducible

7 - Another popup says invalid VCS root mapping

I uploaded the log folder under the name

I am lucky that I pushed the latest updates to github before that happened, everything is gone locally exept the empty project root folder


Please report at with the sample project and the exact steps to reproduce.


Hi, I don't really want to upload my project at the moment, but I described the steps in more details above. 


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