New Project always creates a module in the project root


In v6, I would always just make a multi-module project even if it were only one module so that it would put the module in a subdirectory. The new "New Project" dialog doesn't seem to have that option. It would be nice if it would just put the module in a subdirectory by default.

Please note that users can save a project as a template and then use it to create.
Permanently deleted user

You simply have to create an 'Empty Project' instead of a 'Java Project'
and then add your module manually - almost the same as before.

Travis Reeder wrote:

In v6, I would always just make a multi-module project even if it were only one module so that it would put the module in a subdirectory. The new "New Project" dialog doesn't seem to have that option. It would be nice if it would just put the module in a subdirectory by default.

Martin Fuhrer
Fuhrer Engineering AG


Ok, someone asked that. But what is the reason to create a new module inside the content root of a project? Why doesn't IntellijIDEA create this module in a nested directory? What is the reason?


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