6981 fails t ostart with jdk6 complaint in YourKit profiler
I am unable to launch EAP 6981. To see the error, I launched from the command line:
Using JVMTI (1.6.0_01-b06;Sun Microsystems Inc.;mixed mode, sharing;Windows;32 bit JVM)
Error occurred during initialization of VM
java/lang/ClassNotFoundException: error in opening JAR file ..\lib\boot.jar
But the same failure behavior (splash screen briefly followed by app exit) happens with the desktop link
The only thing about my box which makes me think of this problem is that I have JDK/JRE1.6.0_01 installed and none other, but IDEA comes with its own bundled 1.5.0 JRE and this was not a problem with past EAP releases.
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Just FYI, no issues here on Win XP, Sun JDK 6.0.1, YourKit 6.0.15, IDEA b6981
I will add that I am in Windows Vista, if relevant.
I have the same problem with 7002.
And I have the same problem with 7016:
Using JVMTI (1.6.0_01-b06;Sun Microsystems Inc.;mixed mode, sharing;Windows;32 bit JVM)
Error occurred during initialization of VM
java/lang/ClassNotFoundException: error in opening JAR file ..\lib\boot.jar
Could there be anything weird about Windows Vista that messes up the processes permissions for loading this jar?
And with EAP 7020. I have not been able to run the EAP on my Vista box for some time now.
Same issue for 7027, but I finally made progress.
If I set JDK_HOME to the installed JDK, and run idea.bat instead of idea.exe directly, it does come up without apparent problems.