Breakpoints broken after opening v11 project in v12

I need some help debugging this issue. For whatever reason (I'm totally stumped) breakpoints (all breakpoints) no longer work in version 11 or version 12 with a local WebLogic run configuration. They used to work fine so I'm at a loss what to do. I have tried invalidating caches, re-installing IntelliJ, recreating my project multiple times. Checked that debugging info is generated with the compile. It all looks good but IntelliJ never breaks in the debugger. The only thing I haven't done yet is recreate my WebLogic domain. I'm not the only person experiencing this issue. We have one other developer with the same problem.



Hi Grant,

Please make sure that you don't have a problem described here (make sure your break points are represented as valid during debugging) and here (target code is executed at a process over than the one being debugged)



Thanks Denis, I'll check your suspicions. I am able to hit breakpoints if I attach the IDE remotely to WebLogic but local is still not working.


I checked and I compile with debug info and I'm running WebLogic locally inside IntelliJ but breakpoints don't work. It's definitely an issue with the local debugging b/c I can remote debug and hit breakpoints from both v11 and v12 but local debugging is broken in both versions.


For what it's worth, I had to reinstall my local WebLogic domain to fix local debugging in IntelliJ. That finally fixed the issue.



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