Build 6808: feedback request

Hello everyone,

Selena build 6808, released today, is most likely one of the last EAP builds
before the Milestone 1 release, which we're going to announce and promote
for the general public. We will very much appreciate the help of the EAP
members in testing this build, to ensure that the Milestone 1 release is
stable and usable for day-to-day development work.

Please post your feedback in this thread, or file JIRA requests as usual.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


Dmitry Jemerov napisa?(a):

Hello everyone,

Selena build 6808, released today, is most likely one of the last EAP
builds before the Milestone 1 release, which we're going to announce and
promote for the general public. We will very much appreciate the help of
the EAP members in testing this build, to ensure that the Milestone 1
release is stable and usable for day-to-day development work.

Please post your feedback in this thread, or file JIRA requests as usual.

Thanks in advance for your help!


If I understand your idea correctly, you want to release some kind-of Idea 7.0 public beta
to the wider audience - allowing for wider and better feedback.

One question: knowing that, will Milestone 1 work with existing Idea 6.0 licenses?



On 2007-04-06 22:40:07 +0400, Michal Szklanowski
<> said:

One question: knowing that, will Milestone 1 work with existing Idea
6.0 licenses?



Spring facet users will likely run into IDEA-12278


I didn't check the latest EAP - but the release before still had those
problems with the inspection configurations...
Please fix this asap. This can't be so difficult...

Johannes Schneider

Dmitry Jemerov wrote:

Hello everyone,

Selena build 6808, released today, is most likely one of the last EAP
builds before the Milestone 1 release, which we're going to announce and
promote for the general public. We will very much appreciate the help of
the EAP members in testing this build, to ensure that the Milestone 1
release is stable and usable for day-to-day development work.

Please post your feedback in this thread, or file JIRA requests as usual.

Thanks in advance for your help!


Not so much feedback as a question: has the problem with multi-core analyses been fixed in this release. If not, any idea on when it might be fixed, or how close are you guys to resolving it? Did you get a response from Apple? Thanks, Nick.


By the way: is it intentional that the Weblogic EJB editor isn't shown anymore?


Hello Johannes,

They are fixed in 6808. Sorry for inconvenience.


Anna Kozlova
JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"

I didn't check the latest EAP - but the release before still had those
problems with the inspection configurations...
Please fix this asap. This can't be so difficult...
Johannes Schneider

Dmitry Jemerov wrote:

>> Hello everyone,
>> Selena build 6808, released today, is most likely one of the last EAP
>> builds before the Milestone 1 release, which we're going to announce
>> and promote for the general public. We will very much appreciate the
>> help of the EAP members in testing this build, to ensure that the
>> Milestone 1 release is stable and usable for day-to-day development
>> work.
>> Please post your feedback in this thread, or file JIRA requests as
>> usual.
>> Thanks in advance for your help!


On 2007-04-07 14:51:54 +0400, Nick Atkins <> said:

Not so much feedback as a question: has the problem with multi-core
analyses been fixed in this release. If not, any idea on when it might
be fixed, or how close are you guys to resolving it? Did you get a
response from Apple? Thanks, Nick.

We had to disable multicore processing on Macs so far.


Great to hear that!

Johannes Schneider

Anna Kozlova wrote:

Hello Johannes,

They are fixed in 6808. Sorry for inconvenience.

Anna Kozlova
JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"

>> I didn't check the latest EAP - but the release before still had those
>> problems with the inspection configurations...
>> Please fix this asap. This can't be so difficult...
>> Johannes Schneider
>> Dmitry Jemerov wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> Selena build 6808, released today, is most likely one of the last EAP
>>> builds before the Milestone 1 release, which we're going to announce
>>> and promote for the general public. We will very much appreciate the
>>> help of the EAP members in testing this build, to ensure that the
>>> Milestone 1 release is stable and usable for day-to-day development
>>> work.
>>> Please post your feedback in this thread, or file JIRA requests as
>>> usual.
>>> Thanks in advance for your help!


Selena is currently quite unusable for VSS users. File status detection
is very unreliable.
Usually i repeatedly double click the "read-only" status button to try
and make Idea recognize modified files.
Due to this problem I have already forgotten to commit part of the changed
files (and broke the build) twice.
Plus I think I already complained about wrong file status after "commit" with
"keep checked out" option set - but can't find a specific issue for that.

Dmitry Jemerov wrote:

Hello everyone,

Selena build 6808, released today, is most likely one of the last EAP
builds before the Milestone 1 release, which we're going to announce and
promote for the general public. We will very much appreciate the help of
the EAP members in testing this build, to ensure that the Milestone 1
release is stable and usable for day-to-day development work.

Please post your feedback in this thread, or file JIRA requests as usual.

Thanks in advance for your help!


By the way: is it intentional that the Weblogic EJB editor isn't shown anymore?

It is! Any steps to reproduce?


Dear Stephen,

SF> Due to this problem I have already forgotten to commit part of the
SF> changed files (and broke the build) twice.
SF> IDEA-11754
SF> IDEA-11708
SF> Plus I think I already complained about wrong file status after
SF> "commit" with "keep checked out" option set - but can't find a specific
issue for that.

IDEA-11708 is fixed - there was a bug in the general synchronization mechanism
in IDEA.
Concerning the IDEA-11754 ("Psychedelic colors...") - I never managed to
reproduce that. The option "Keep affected files checked out" also works here.
I suggest to perform the same log-exchage steps after official M1 - it might
be some minority issue which can be fixed to M1 update. Necessary logging
facilities will be included today, so nearest EAP build will be ready for
analysis. Is that suitable for you?

best wishes,
Michael Gerasimov,
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc


Michael Gerasimov wrote:

Necessary logging facilities will be included today, so nearest EAP
build will be ready for analysis. Is that suitable for you?

Sure. Thanks a lot for all the improvements.
I'll get back to you with any problems in the next eap build ;)


I hope you will do some performance analysis and hopefully some dramatic boosts, since the current eap is really sluggish. It's almost like working with eclipse. Press something, wait.. type something, wait..


By the way: is it intentional that the Weblogic EJB

editor isn't shown anymore?
It is! Any steps to reproduce?

It's my fault. I was expecting the editor to appear on the EJB module. The editor for the EJB itself appears as usual.

But: The EJB module editor can be invoked by double clicking on the EJB module node in project view. But when double clicking on an EJB node the respective editor isn't shown but the EJB node is collapsed/expanded. Somewhat inconsistent. And invoking 'Jump to Source' seems an awkward wording to open an editor which isn't related to a specific source file.


...and it isn't fixed yet! In both 6813 and 6905 the problem still exists. So please reopen the bug.


Why don't you make a performance snapshot to let us see what's going on?
We don't see any sluggishness here.


See IDEA-11775, it has snapshots attached and I can create more if you want me too.
Editing has become a little better in the latest builds, but still feels slower than in 6.0.5. Performance drops significantly when opening more than one project at the same time. In that case, editing in one project seems to start analysis in all open projects.



The Changes window's Committed tab still doesn't work for me. When using a date filter to include only stuff since yesterday morning, it processes for a few minutes and then blows up with an error (which I've just reported for build 6808):

at com.intellij.cvsSupport2.changeBrowser.RevisionWrapper.]]>(
at com.intellij.cvsSupport2.changeBrowser.CvsChangeListsBuilder.addLogs(
at com.intellij.cvsSupport2.changeBrowser.CvsCommittedChangesProvider.loadCommittedChanges(
at com.intellij.cvsSupport2.changeBrowser.CvsCommittedChangesProvider.getCommittedChanges(
at com.intellij.cvsSupport2.changeBrowser.CvsCommittedChangesProvider.getAllCommittedChanges(
at com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.ui.CommittedChangesPanel$
at com.intellij.openapi.progress.impl.ProgressManagerImpl$
at com.intellij.openapi.progress.impl.ProgressManagerImpl.executeProcessUnderProgress(
at com.intellij.openapi.progress.impl.ProgressManagerImpl.runProcess(
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl$6$
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl$
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl$1$

Regardless of this error, the processing time required for this feature makes it significantly less useful than the old TMate product.


Idea never did work well with multiple open projects. Usually I have three separate installs of Idea, so I can work with that many projects simultaneously without those modality isusses, wrong project window popping to front, performance problems, ...


What I still don't like is the waste of space.

Currently, when debugging there occurs one tab showing the name of the debugged configuration which also is shown in the title of the debug view (with the iconify, detach and hide buttons). The space right beside that tab is wasted (my debug view is at the bottom). Suggestion: don't show single tabs, but only when more than one components are added to the view.

Force yourself to use a small screen, e.g. 1024x768, maybe then you will feel a need for a change.

Thanks for listening,


Here is a screenshot trying to illustrate to problem: The gray area at the bottom right beside
- the Watches button,
- the Tomcat tab and
- the 5: Debug button
is completely lost.


I agree. I made more detailed comments in the thread at



I can't second your opinion. Most of the time I have at least two
projects open simultaneously, sometimes even three or four. And I don't
see any problems with that, given that I didn't forget to adjust the
memory settings in idea.exe.vmoptions... :)

Stephen Friedrich wrote:

Idea never did work well with multiple open projects. Usually I have three separate installs of Idea, so I can work with that many projects simultaneously without those modality isusses, wrong project window popping to front, performance problems, ...


I agree about the "waste of space" argument, but I don't really have a better idea. It is indeed a great improvements to be able to see watches and variables at the same time.

However the icon for "restore layout" is inacceptable. I want my martian back!!!

0 is pretty bad as well. I
don't think it's a good idea to release M1 with a high potential of deadlocking
when a user just starts it for the first time...



+10 I get this constantly, which is a pain when I'm trying to develop a
plugin :(

Sascha Weinreuter wrote: is pretty bad as well. I
don't think it's a good idea to release M1 with a high potential of deadlocking
when a user just starts it for the first time...



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