ClearCase Finishing VCS Refresh

Is the ClearCase Finishing VCS Refresh dialog "feature" going to be a permanent part of Idea?

This is really making Selena unpleasant to use.

I've had to give up showing Idea to my Eclipse using friends; it's just too embarrassing to have the ClearCase support make hundreds of ClearCase transactions!

Why must this happen? It didn't with the old ClearCase support and it worked pretty well without this, production killing, so called, feature.

When I'm done working on something, 10 or 20 minutes of watching the silly, so called, progress indicator is not my idea of "Develop with Pleasure"!

Permanently deleted user

Same thing here. Yesterday I tried latest EAP, I killed the App after 20 min


I hate to gripe about this agin, but you see I've got a lot of time on my hands; I'm waiting for another VCS refresh to finish.

I opened a project, fixed a bug and now it 6:47 PM and I like to check in the change and go home!

But it's been around ten minutes and it's still going.

The new ClearCase support just isn't cutting it! it just keeps spawing ClearTool after ClearTool. The old CearCase support didn't do this.

Permanently deleted user

Dear Dick, Rambabu,

RT> Same thing here. Yesterday I tried latest EAP, I killed the App
RT> after 20 min

The ClearCase plugin puts a lot of trace information in the log file. It
will be quite interesting to look into it. One of the possible workarounds
of the excessive transactions is to put unnecessary files into "Ignored"
list. Thus they will not affect IDEA. Could you please send me these logs?

best wishes,
Michael Gerasimov,
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc

Permanently deleted user

Dear Dick,

DL> I hate to gripe about this agin, but you see I've got a lot of time
DL> on my hands; I'm waiting for another VCS refresh to finish.

I've just analysed several logs from your colleague - Rambabu, and can make
several immediate recomendations, which can dramatically improve the performance.

1. Keep amount of WRITABLE files small enough. Plugin works with the assumption
that the set of files you are working on is not large. Obviously, checked
out editable files are writable.

2. If you have an excessive amount of writable files UNDER the mapped repository
root, put them into the "ignore list". For example, I've met several cases
when ".class" files were generated not in the separate folder OUTSIDE the
sources (mapped into the repository) but rather INSIDE the sources root.
Obviously we had to analyse all that stuff for repository status, which took
an incredible amount of time.

Dick, could you please look into your logs. You might find lines like these:

--- cut ---
2007-04-06 15:37:45,297 INFO - ransparent.CCaseChangeProvider
- -- ChangeProvider --
2007-04-06 15:37:45,297 INFO - ransparent.CCaseChangeProvider
- Dirty files: 0, dirty recursive directories: 1
2007-04-06 15:37:45,297 INFO - ransparent.CCaseChangeProvider
- -- ChangeProvider - Iterating over content root: C:/projects/xxx/xxxx
2007-04-06 15:37:47,281 INFO - ransparent.CCaseChangeProvider
- -- ChangeProvider - Found: 2485 writable files.
--- cut ---

2485 writable files clearly indicates such case. Possibly you have the similar
I will be glad to help you asap.

best wishes,
Michael Gerasimov,
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc

Permanently deleted user


I am using IntelliJ 5 and have not upgraded to 6 because of lack of adequate ClearCase support.
The project I am working on has over 10000 Java files plus various other assets.
Over 100 Java files are automatically generated and marked writable.
Plus it is sometimes necessary to modify over 100 Java files during refactoring or code cleanup.
Based on your description IntelliJ 7 ClearCase support is designed to be slow for my case.
Is this correct?


Permanently deleted user

Dear Artem,

AK> Based on your description IntelliJ 7 ClearCase support is designed
AK> to be slow for my case.
AK> Is this correct?

Absolutely not necessarily.
I've just described the general, "desired" scheme. Since the plugin development
is not finished, I can not predict whether the amount of future optimizations
(both in the plugin and in the core) will be enough to provide adequate performance.
I suppose that dealing with several hundreds of writable files will be OK
given the good cleartool responce time.

best wishes,
Michael Gerasimov,
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc

Permanently deleted user

I understand that you can not commit to solving this issue.

From the technical point of view it should be possible to invoke cleartool less times. I think "cleartool ls" can take multiple file names as parameters plus it can work recursively.

In general, invoking cleartool multiple times seriously degrades performance even for cases of hundreds of invocations especially on slower connections. Older versions of graphical ClearCase clients themselves have suffered from this


Permanently deleted user

Dear Artem,

AK> From the technical point of view it should be possible to invoke
AK> cleartool less times. I think "cleartool ls" can take multiple file
AK> names as parameters plus it can work recursively.

No doubt, we do all possible to minimize cleartool usage. If you look into
the Idea logs, you can find that for the most often operation (determine
status) Idea uses minimal amount of cleartool runs. In addition to that we
did not finish with optimizations yet.

best wishes,
Michael Gerasimov,
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc


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