6776 Not Starting

I cannot get 6776 to start.

I get the first splash screen, but after that it appears nearly dead in the water. Just sits there, taking almost no cpu(except for an occasional 1% or 2%) and an increment in I/O Other.

6763 starts up just fine.

I am on Win XP and used the IDEA6776.exe for a full install.

I will try uninstalling and installing again as soon as I get a chance.

Here is all the I can find in idea.log for the 6776 start up:

2007-03-23 14:47:43,750 INFO - #com.intellij.idea.Main - -


2007-03-23 14:47:43,850 INFO - #com.intellij.idea.Main - Using "FocusKiller" library to prevent focus stealing.
2007-03-23 14:47:43,990 INFO - nse.impl.LicenseAuthorizorImpl - Checking NotNull: null
2007-03-23 14:47:43,990 INFO - nse.impl.LicenseAuthorizorImpl - Result: null
2007-03-23 14:47:43,990 INFO - nse.impl.LicenseAuthorizorImpl - Checking NotNull: null
2007-03-23 14:47:45,503 INFO - ecommon.client.impl.ClientImpl - No license server.
2007-03-23 14:47:45,503 INFO - nse.impl.LicenseAuthorizorImpl - Result: null
2007-03-23 14:47:45,503 INFO - nse.impl.LicenseAuthorizorImpl - Checking NotNull: null


Still no go.

Download again

Started - Hangs
Deleted the config and system directories(after saving them) and picked the option for no previous installed version - Hangs
Deleted the config and system directories and picked the option to import setting and pointed to my IDEA 5.1 install - Hangs


I have been getting this on the last few builds on Win XP. Kill the process and try again. It will eventually start. It works fine for me on Linux. I don't see any indications in the log to explain what is happening.


I have killed it a few times, still won't start.

But 6763 starts just fine(once I got around the temp license issue).


That touches on something. The first few times it happened, I had IJ running on my other machine. It seemed like if it failed the concurrent license check, then it was doomed. Maybe you have hit on something.


I am getting the very same behavior with 6776. No way to start the darn thing at all!

And yes, it could well have something to do with the licence check (I had the same trouble as zmbs with 6763, too), as my idea.log file only contains the following lines:



After following this idea a bit, I did find a workaround for the problem:

  • Copy an expired EAP license key file to the config directory

  • Start IDEA

  • A dialog will come up complaining that the key has expired.

  • Choose "Enter key" and enter the license key from the JB page

  • IDEA will start up fine now

Jetbrains, please do something about these EAP license problems that we have
had for the last couple of builds now. My assumption is that the 6.0 licenses
work fine with Selena, because the only people complaining here are zmbs and
I who both only have 5.x licenses.



Hello Jens,

After following this idea a bit, I did find a workaround for the

  • Copy an expired EAP license key file to the config directory

  • Start IDEA

  • A dialog will come up complaining that the key has expired.

  • Choose "Enter key" and enter the license key from the JB page

  • IDEA will start up fine now

Jetbrains, please do something about these EAP license problems that
we have had for the last couple of builds now. My assumption is that
the 6.0 licenses work fine with Selena, because the only people
complaining here are zmbs and I who both only have 5.x licenses.

We've found the reason for this problem, sorry. It's not quite related to
the evaluation problem which occurred in the previous EAP build.

We'll release a new EAP build ASAP.

Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


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