Grouping Spring context files
In our project we have split up Spring bean configuration over several xml files - one for service beans, one for dao beans etc etc - thereby avoiding one large xml config file.
Is there someway you could tell Intellij to group these together so that the new error highlighting could work over a set of files?
Kind regards
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Hello Georges,
In "project structure" select "Add...Facet...Spring". The configuration dialog
will allow you to define a set and add multiple context files to it.
Nice - did not see that.
But adding a file/files to a set - pops up a dialog box - what should go in there? An absolute path, a relative project module path (like src/main/resource/contextfile1.xml ) or what ? Tried (src/main/resources/context1.xml) but that did not work. The configuration dialog does not indicate if the location is correct.
Kind regards
Hello Georges,
Absolute paths work for me. I think that the dialog will be greatly improved
in upcoming builds :)
Great - it works!!!
It works but it sucks. Basically all web projects have multiple spring contexts defined. When you work with maven and let it generate your IDEA project this is an extra manual step that sits in the way.
It would be much nicer if IDEA had some way of automatically grouping these together. Not sure how it would work but ALL manual configuration for things like this is blocking productivity bigtime imo. To a point where I'm not developing with pleasure anymore ;)
The plugin is very new, so rough edges are to be expected.
Btw, do factory beans work properly for you in #6667?