Enhancement requests and feature question

... or I just do not know how to do it.

1. Currently if I have /opt/jdk1.5.0_1 and /opt/jdk1.5.0._2 installed and I create a link

ln -s /op/jdk1.5.0_1 jdk1.5

than I expect that in project structure if I choose my JDK path to be /opt/jdk1.5 than I mean this. Not /opt/jdk1.5.0_1 . The problem is that IDEA is trying to be smarter and is pointing to real directory regardless of my suggestions to use symbolic link. This means that I cant just switch between JDKs by changing the link. I would like to have such ability. IDEA should just detect the change on start and re-parse the JDK jars.

2. I have no clue how can I exclude single file. In Modules > Sources I can exclude eny directory I wish and this is great but I would like to exclude some files also.

And on the end something I believe there is somewhere but I am not able to find it. In previous versions there was a switch which allows me to check in to the CVS so after that file was read-only. Right now I see this only if I create new project, but I do not see it in any CVS setting. If someone knows where it is located please show me where is it.

Best regards


Permanently deleted user

you can explude specific files from compilation by
- for a file that does not compile : in the make window, right click on the file> remove from compile
- for any file : project settings> compiler> manually add files in the exclude from compile list

I can't help for the other 2 questions :)

Permanently deleted user

1. Currently if I have /opt/jdk1.5.0_1 and
/opt/jdk1.5.0._2 installed and I create a link

ln -s /op/jdk1.5.0_1 jdk1.5

than I expect that in project structure if I choose
my JDK path to be /opt/jdk1.5 than I mean this. Not
/opt/jdk1.5.0_1 . The problem is that IDEA is trying
to be smarter and is pointing to real directory
regardless of my suggestions to use symbolic link.
This means that I cant just switch between JDKs by
changing the link. I would like to have such ability.
IDEA should just detect the change on start and
re-parse the JDK jars.

One (ugly?) solution would be to change the pathes manually in the corresponding config file (${user.home}/.IntelliJIdea60/config/options/jdk.table.xml) while IDEA isn't running.

Permanently deleted user

Hello Jerzy,

JP> And on the end something I believe there is somewhere but I am not
JP> able to find it. In previous versions there was a switch which
JP> allows me to check in to the CVS so after that file was read-only.
JP> Right now I see this only if I create new project, but I do not see
JP> it in any CVS setting. If someone knows where it is located please
JP> show me where is it.

Settings->Project Settings->Version Control->Configure->Use read-only flag
for not edited files

Permanently deleted user

Carlos, thanks for answer

I thought that this is this, but I have it checked and the files are not changing to "read only".
Should I file a bug report?


Permanently deleted user

Hello Jerzy,

JP> I thought that this is this, but I have it checked and the files are
JP> not changing to "read only". Should I file a bug report?

I don't use readonly files, so don't know if it works or not. It lloks like
a bug, so you should probably file a bug report.



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