Problems loading an existing GWT application
I'm trying to load an existing working GWT application into IntelliJ. (In fact, it was originally developed under IntelliJ, then moved to Eclipse, and now I want to move it back).
I've created the project and module OK, and added the GWT facet - no problems there. But in the source code editor what I see is this:
The package line is all in black; the two import lines have "" in grey, and NodeInfo/Type in red.
The content root is the directory that has client as a subdirectory, and all the source is in the right place.
If I try to type a new import, I get autocompletion right through the directories (e.g. "") but then no prompting for the final class name. It's as if IntelliJ sees all the directories but not the files within them. If I do CMD+N to search for classes like NodeInfo, it doesn't find them.
All the Java modules are visible via the project structure, they just can't see each other.
The only classes not shown in red in the source code are classes within the same package.
Using IntelliJ 10.5.2 with GWT 2.4 on Mac OS X.
Michael Kay
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Could you please attach *.iml files of your project?
Nikolay Chashnikov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Thanks for looking at this, Nikolay
I think there's only one .iml file, which I've attached.
The directory identified in the IML file as file://$USER_HOME$/repo/src/ce is the directory that contains the "client" directory which holds all the source code
Michael Kay
I have no idea what caused the problem. Building a new IntelliJ project over the existing sources didn't solve it; but checking out a new copy of the code into a new location and building a new project over that seems to have done the trick.