Beyond Compare for 3 way merge
I'm using Idea 8.1.2. I would like to use Beyond Compare's 3 way merge capability when resolving subversion conflicts.
I've customized the 'External Diff Tools' setting, and this works fine for comparing two files (e.g. - compare current file to latest repository version), but I don't see a setting for an external 3 way merge tool.
Am I missing an option somewhere?
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I have been using BeyondCompare,BC, for about 10 years and would also like to have a way to use the 3-way merge.
I am underwhelmed with subversion 1.6.3 release and its 'improved' merge capability and Tree conflicts detection.
When we hit a slow time I'll push to move to GIT, but until that time any help that JetBrains could lend in this areas would be appreciated !
I would also like to see a way to use BC instead of the IJ buildin Local History difference.
I created a JIRA issue for this:
guys, could you please clarify where/when '3-way merge external tool' should be invoked?
Are there any instructions for properly setting up Beyond Compare for even 2 way merge?
You can configure Beyond Compare for merges in a similar manner via the "Use external merge tool" option. NOte that in its help, Beyond Compare has information on commad line options.