modified files not commitable for svn?

sometimes Intellij IDEA is a bit too clever!
I'm on a Mac writing java code for a big international project
now I am updating lot of codes by just enhancing the javadoc comments.
I want to commit all this ....
The svn agent in Intellij see those codes as "modified" but does not want to commit them!
this is probably possible to ask to do it but it is not obvious I have not found so far how to force svn to commit those java codes that have only their javadoc modified!
thanks for any help?:| (remember I am on a MAc and some menus are unusual)


What exactly do you mean by "does not want to commit"? IntelliJ IDEA's Subversion integration does not have any logic for distinguishing between comment-only and other changes.

Permanently deleted user

good news ... except that the commit  dialog tells me that there are 2 changes and 30 modified files and wants to commit only the 2 changed files
I want to commit the 30 modified files! So 32 files ( 30 of which, by the way,  do not appear in blue in the project list)


I still don't quite understand what you mean. Could you please attach a screenshot?

Permanently deleted user

Capture d’écran 2012-07-06 à 13.53.56.png

modified files 18 and included only 2? why ?
those are not files in the javadoc directory but real java files


Have you noticed the checkboxes to the left of each file? Have you tried clicking them?

If you invoke the Commit dialog by right-clicking a file or a set of files in the Changes view, or using the "Commit file" action in the editor context menu, by default only the selected files are included into the commit. If you invoke the Commit dialog using Version Control | Commit Project (Ctrl-K), by default all files are included into the commit.

Permanently deleted user

Have you noticed the checkboxes to the left of each file? Have you tried clicking them?
--> there are only 2 files I want the other 18 (I mean the other modified files in the same module! not in other modules!)

If  you invoke the Commit dialog by right-clicking a file or a set of files  in the Changes view, or using the "Commit file" action in the editor  context menu, by default only the selected files are included into the  commit.
---> this means I have to find the modified files (which does not show : why?) and commit them as a group? this does not work I get the same thing
If you invoke the Commit dialog using Version Control | Commit  Project (Ctrl-K), by default all files are included into the commit.
--> I am on a Mac (no Ctrl K)  I can't commit project it's too big, I want to commit a module only

again : i modified javadoc comments on a lot of codes in a module. these codes are not marked in the list of "commitables" why?
I have tried all the suggested actions none works!

Permanently deleted user

ok forget it: I have now modified all needed files and that may end working

Permanently deleted user

I confirm this: when writing javadoc, sometimes the file is marked as modified sometime not
sometimes it is marked modified (blue) then later it loses this property .... Strange! (I suspect a bug here)
edit: after a moment ALL files whose javadoc was modified lose the blue color and are not considered as modified!!!


In the screenshot you've provided, there seems to be an error message (in red) from Subversion (or the subversion support component in IntelliJ), warning you that not all local changes might be shown.

Can you provide the full error message here? It's probably a good idea to mention the version of IDEA you're using as well.

Permanently deleted user

my inttelij version is 11.1.2
I am unable to read more than the message you have on the screen shot (I am on a Mac and unable to expand the frame more to have the complete message :()
this said here is what I think:
- there is a javadoc subdirectory in the module
- this directory had content modified when I called javadoc from Intellij
- now these modifications just confuse svn which is unable to operate (hence the mysterious message)
- this has strange effects on how InteeliJ "see" the modified files: it marks modified files in black as if they were committed, but if I restart InteelliJ they again appear in blue (uncommited)
- i am unable to ask svn to forget the javadoc directory (the option is greyed on the menu)

I suspect I must operate svn "manually" but I am afraid to do that because last time I did it all the svn data was garbled beyond recognition and I was obliged to re-create a complete new whole project. on a different directory.

thanks for any advice

Permanently deleted user

I succeeded in commiting the files by only operating on the packages at lower level.
So it's ok, I can continue : thanks for all who responded
... But nonetheless there are strange behaviours


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