Code analysis has been suspended



Occasionally (but for no obivious reason) when editing Java the code analysis goes into a suspend-mode giving the message "Code analysis has been suspended". Obviously, no markers and stuff is working anymore, which is quite annoying to say the least. Up to now, I have not found any way to wake up the analysis except for restarting IDEA, which is dreadful, as all open applications have to be closed as well.

Is there any way to reactivate the code analysis? Any idea, why the analysis gets suspended or where I can look for what makes it suspended?


(Working on 110.3)

Permanently deleted user

I've seen this problem as well. While not an ideal solution, I've found that running Analyze -> Inspect Code seems to re-engage code inspections. It's better than doing an IDE restart.

Permanently deleted user

Same here.  Thanks on the suggestion to re-enable via the Analyze -> Inspect Code...

Permanently deleted user

Same here, the status on the "Code analysis" and how to continue/restart it is really unclear. For me "Inspect code" did not solve it.

As a result of that, we can not continue our Git rebase because the files are not marked for "Resolving merge conflicts".

Would be great to always have available the "Resolve conflicts" option, and force the code analyses needed for that.


Thanks! Analyze -> Inspect code re-enabled it for me.


I had a similar problem in Rider, except it could not be fixed with a restart and there's no "Analyze" menu either. 

After much mocking about (including clearing the file, rebuilding, invalidating and multiple restarts) with no change in behaviour, I found that some of my files had somehow ended up in xxx.sln.DotSettings.user as "excluded" files. I deleted the DotSettings file and it's now working again.



@Niels, wow, thank you so much. I was really super annoyed by this shit and the very same had happened to me...

Your post allowed me to solve it. Thank you!

Permanently deleted user

Since using Intellij 2018.1.4 I got the same issue. Never faced it before and I agree with everyone in this chat it is super annoying. And worst is the sugested workaround doesn't work in my case, I always have to restart Intellij and it happens several times a day....

Yaroslav Bedrov

Hello Maik,

Please report new issue on YouTrack attaching idea.log ("Help | Show log in...") after facing the issue and restarting IDE:



For people not finding the Analyse menu, in Rider version 2020.2 the menu item is Code -> Inspect Code...


Resolved the issue after restarting PyCharm


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