IDEA 6.0 Beta coming: plea for a feedback

Hi All,

we're going to release IDEA 6.0 Beta soon and really need your feedback either
positive and negative.
Feel free to step up with any issues that bother you most in latest EAPs,
we'll consider fixing them as soon as it possible.
Anyway, this will not be a released version of any kind so if we won't
actually fix your favorite pet issue in Beta we still have plenty of time
to fix before it actually goes GA.

Thanks in advace


Maxim Shafirov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

Edit: Sorry, clicked wrong reply link.

Permanently deleted user

I restarted IDEA and the problem still exists. Ran full CVS Update including empty directory pruning (and I watched it prune them) and they still show in the Locally Deleted Files group. If I click the Refresh VCS Changes button in the Changes window, the number of files in Locally Deleted Files actually increases -- immediately after the CVS Update it's 348, after the refresh it's 399.

Permanently deleted user

I've got to concur with the confusion!

I tried playing around with profiles the other day and just didn't understand why I couldn't choose to just use an IDE profile. I don't want to create project-specific profiles, I just want to use an IDE-wide profile and it just didn't seem to want to let me do that! Also, once I'd finally created a project profile it then started highlighting errors and warnings in sources attached to third-party JAR files, which I'm sure has never happened before! For some reason it decided that it couldn't find the JDK for the attached source either, so everything was just marked as red.

My other major bug-bear is performance. As mentioned on another thread, project load times are way up and right-click actions just seem to lead to huge pauses in a majority of cases.

The user interface isn't feeling polished in quite a few areas for me either, but maybe I'm just being picky. The new project/module interface feels haphazard and as mentioned by other users, the plug-in module window isn't great...

Overall, looking at the feature list of version 6 I'll be recommending the company upgrades, but there's a lot of work to do to make it a polished product at the moment.


Another pet peeve I have is the seamingly random decision to add some plugins. Prime amongst these is IDETalk, which is by far the most unprofessional and unpolished plugin shipped, with awful usability.

For example:

1) It prompts for info on startup, and usually craps itself if anything vaguely unexpected happens.
2) Every red X on a toolwindow results in the window being closed, not SO for IDEtalk history!
3) Search popup in history window is big and ugly, also unlike every other search popup.
4) The textarea for sending text requires using alt-D to send, and when you do so, the window loses focus.
5) It's really...ugly.
6) I can't find any way of getting back to the configuration dialog.
7) The layout is pointlessly full of whitespace, the timestamp/nick is on one line, then the text is on another, with lots of blank lines everywhere
8) Can't figure out how to turn off sound

It's a very clever idea, the functionality is neat, but the implementation, usability, presentation, and user interaction are awful. It makes IDEA look unprofessional and hobbyistish, which is a real shame.

If you do want to include this plugin, force users to do something to turn it on as a cool hidden feature, rather than shoving its flaws in every poor user's face!

Permanently deleted user

I wish I could even get that far with idea talk...

Permanently deleted user

Generally excellent points! Comments below

Sebastian Mueller wrote:

There should be a more prominent place outside the editor that always displays the current file and class member the caret is located at. The title bar is too cluttered and identifying the active tab is tedious. (the new "navigation bar" is not always up-to-date and there is no method information).

+1, preferably with colouring of the filename to show the VCS status too
(as in the tabs)

Class Name auto completion uses a horrible sort order. E.g. typing:
new Node[ctrl-alt-space]
will yield a very long list which on top offers sun.plugin.dom.core, which is hilarious.
The comparator should first offer classes, which reside in the same module, then same project, module libraries, jdk, and finally (if at all) the sun.* and com.sun packages (one should be able to turn them off altegether) or even better configure the priorities of them.


The "complete statement" completion feature (ctrl-shit-enter)

Now that's what I call a customized keystroke. You mean you go into the
toilet every time you use that feature? Or maybe your office doesn't
smell too good ;)



Here's a problem with SVN integration (as of D. 5380):

I am also using TortoiseSVN on the same box.

TortoiseSVN works great with repository created by IntelliJ, but not vice versa.
IntelliJ can't deal with files which TortoiseSVN touched (even if the folder was initially managed by intellij). Intellij starts thinking the files are always up to date.

Please fix.

- Alex.

Permanently deleted user

In article <>, says...

Another pet peeve I have is the seamingly random decision to add some plugins. Prime amongst these is IDETalk, which is by far the most unprofessional and unpolished plugin shipped, with awful usability.

For example:

1) It prompts for info on startup, and usually craps itself if anything vaguely unexpected happens.
2) Every red X on a toolwindow results in the window being closed, not SO for IDEtalk history!
3) Search popup in history window is big and ugly, also unlike every other search popup.
4) The textarea for sending text requires using alt-D to send, and when you do so, the window loses focus.
5) It's really...ugly.
6) I can't find any way of getting back to the configuration dialog.
7) The layout is pointlessly full of whitespace, the timestamp/nick is on one line, then the text is on another, with lots of blank lines everywhere
8) Can't figure out how to turn off sound

It's a very clever idea, the functionality is neat, but the implementation, usability, presentation, and user interaction are awful. It makes IDEA look unprofessional and hobbyistish, which is a real shame.

If you do want to include this plugin, force users to do something to turn it on as a cool hidden feature, rather than shoving its flaws in every poor user's face!

Have they fixed the problem with IDETalk where starting a second
instance of Idea causes IDETalk to bind to the port used by the first
instance resulting in a modal dialog warning.

The second instance just sits there until you remember to click on the
first to put focus on the dialog so you can close it.

David H. McCoy


Permanently deleted user

I don't have this problem. Everytime I create repository by using TortoiseSVN, then create project by using IDEA to make project's structure then import into repository by using TortoiseSVN.

I never try to create repository or import from IDEA before.

Permanently deleted user

I don't have this problem. Everytime I create repository by using TortoiseSVN, then create project by using IDEA to make project's structure then import into repository by using TortoiseSVN.

I never try to create repository or import from IDEA before.

Permanently deleted user

I don't have this problem. Everytime I create repository by using TortoiseSVN, then create project by using IDEA to make project's structure then import into repository by using TortoiseSVN.

I didn't try to create repository or import from IDEA yet.

Permanently deleted user

Hello Sebastian, Nathan,

It is a bug if Navigation bar is outdated. Could you please provide some
examples? Now it displays the last item exactly the same as it exists in
tab (or in Project/Package/Scope/ etc View if it is not a file). If not -
again it is a bug and I'd like to know about it ;)

Would you really like to have 'method' in navigation bar? Honestly personally
I use Navigation Bar most of the time to create new class near current or
to look through current directory. I use it as popup (Alt-Home) and it doesn't
take any working place at all. That's why I didn't thought about 'methods'
there ...

Thank you.


Anna Kozlova
JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"

Generally excellent points! Comments below

Sebastian Mueller wrote:

>> There should be a more prominent place outside the editor that always
>> displays the current file and class member the caret is located at.
>> The title bar is too cluttered and identifying the active tab is
>> tedious. (the new "navigation bar" is not always up-to-date and there
>> is no method information).

+1, preferably with colouring of the filename to show the VCS status
too (as in the tabs)

>> Class Name auto completion uses a horrible sort order. E.g. typing:
>> new Node[ctrl-alt-space]
>> will yield a very long list which on top offers sun.plugin.dom.core,
>> which is hilarious.
>> The comparator should first offer classes, which reside in the same
>> module, then same project, module libraries, jdk, and finally (if at
>> all) the sun.* and com.sun packages (one should be able to turn them
>> off altegether) or even better configure the priorities of them.


>> The "complete statement" completion feature (ctrl-shit-enter)

Now that's what I call a customized keystroke. You mean you go into
the toilet every time you use that feature? Or maybe your office
doesn't smell too good ;)


Permanently deleted user

I'd like to see some progress on Ant integration.

>> Even simple build scripts have faulty mark-up

We are working on the subject.

Oh, please, consider : this is the basis of a million red lines in our build files!

Permanently deleted user

Hello Gordon,

>> 1. Project Profiles: Corresponding tab set up mapping from scopes to
>> profiles.

It took me a while to realise what you meant. It totally did not occur
to me that clicking on the "Project Profile" entry in the tree shows
the scopes. I thought it was just a heading to separate IDE from
Project profiles.

>> To use project profiles you should choose default
>> project profile (not > IDE profile>). Then project profiles would be >>]]> available everywhere.

Okay. That works. Not obvious though that I must change the default
profile to a project profile before I can assign specific profiles to
scopes. Seems like a rather arbitrary limitation.

Project profiles are shared between team working with one project. That is
the point.

If you choose to work with the same profiles with your team it is quite intuitive
that you would like to cover all project, isn't it? For this purpose default
project profile is introduced.

>> 2. IDE Profiles: Corresponding combobox set up your locally choosen
>> profile

I'm not sure I understand what you mean here. Yes, under IDE Profile
in the Errors settings there is a combobox to select the default IDE
profile. What does that have to do with my issues?

It is just default IDE profile. You are right. It was just a notice ...

I must say that I find the IDE vs Project mode very confusing. In my
opinion, IDE profiles should be profiles saved in the IDE settings
directory that are available to all projects. That's the only
distinction that should be made. The current implementation is too
Another thing I noticed is that a "Project Default" profile must
always exist. If I delete it, it's just recreated, using the settings
from the default IDE profile. That's just annoying behaviour.


In summary, I find myself thinking "Why did it do that?!" many times
when trying to edit error highlighting profiles.

Thank you.

Permanently deleted user

Hello Simon,

I've got to concur with the confusion!

I tried playing around with profiles the other day and just didn't
understand why I couldn't choose to just use an IDE profile. I don't
want to create project-specific profiles, I just want to use an
IDE-wide profile and it just didn't seem to want to let me do that!

I am sorry I dont understand you here. Why I should use project profile?

Also, once I'd finally created a project profile it then started
highlighting errors and warnings in sources attached to third-party
JAR files, which I'm sure has never happened before! For some reason
it decided that it couldn't find the JDK for the attached source
either, so everything was just marked as red.

It must be another issue. Could you please describe your situation in more

Thank you

Permanently deleted user

Hello Dave,

Do you mean the latest build? I have done a number of space saving procedures
there ;)

Thank you


Anna Kozlova
JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"

The run configuration settings are the worst for this.

--Dave Griffith

Permanently deleted user

Ah, well it seems that both issues have gone in the latest EAP, so that's great news!

Before, when I specified to use the IDE profile as the default project profile, it popped up a dialog along the lines of "The profile is not valid for the current scope, would you like to create a project profile?". I can't seem to replicate that issue with 5561, so maybe it was just a bug :)

Since I've now had some sleep, I should give some constructive feedback on the Project/Module dialog, rather than just saying it's clunky. The interface issues I currently have are:
- When adding libraries through the "Add->Library" menu, it's no longer possible to add multiple libraries at the same time. Only the first library selected gets added.
- Right-clicking on the tree entry and choosing Add. I can't think of any other application where choosing a option on a context menu triggers opening up another menu at the top of the window. To me this just feels weird, but maybe that's just my opinion!
- It would be nice to be able to specify the name of the JDK when adding it, rather than having to add it and then rename it.
- It would be nice if the the "Find Usages" option results were ordered alphabetically.

Some other feedback as well:
- A ctrl-T to update the project currently opens a dialog which is 1.5 monitors wide for me. We have a module which has a ridiculously long name (which is a fault on our behalf), but the dialog size appears to be biased depending upon the module name length. It would be nice for the default size of dialogs to never exceed a monitors width (this should be linked with the next point).

- Multi-monitor support. I don't know whether there's anything you can do, but it would be nice if IDEA opened its dialogs on the same monitor as the main window (assuming it's maximised on one monitor). I can't count the number of times that I think IDEA hasn't captured a key-press because the dialog has opened on the second monitor. Also, it would be nice if the size of the dialog doesn't exceed the size of the monitor on which IDEA is maximised.

- Code coverage. This is currently highlighting my JUnit test even when I've specified to only highlight the class which is being tested.

- Favourite Lists
- I was going to say that you can't seem to delete favourite lists any more. However, I've just noticed that the option to delete the favourites list is found by right-clicking on a file in that favourite's list. This is very un-intuitive - didn't there used to be a little minus sign that allowed you to delete the list, at the top of the pane?
- I'd like the ability to delete or rename the default favourites list. Also, if I choose the option "Delete All Favourite List Except ?", currently this doesn't carry out this action as the default list remains.

Permanently deleted user

Hello Alex,

AR> Here's a problem with SVN integration (as of D. 5380):
AR> I am also using TortoiseSVN on the same box.
AR> TortoiseSVN works great with repository created by IntelliJ, but not
AR> vice versa.
AR> IntelliJ can't deal with files which TortoiseSVN touched (even if
AR> the folder was initially managed by intellij). Intellij starts
AR> thinking the files are always up to date.
AR> Please fix.

Could you please file a JIRA issue?

Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
"Develop with Pleasure!"


It is a bug if Navigation bar is outdated. Could you
please provide some
examples? Now it displays the last item exactly the
same as it exists in
tab (or in Project/Package/Scope/ etc View if it is
not a file). If not -
again it is a bug and I'd like to know about it ;)

Sounds ok to me. I did not experience this behavior, it was Johannes, I will tell him to post details.

Would you really like to have 'method' in navigation

I'd like to see it somewhere - the navigation bar seems appropriate to me.

Sometimes I return to IDEA from my mailer or browser or I do a lot of "go to last edit location" or "ctrl-f4" and I think: where the hell am I here - I know I can press Alt-Q a couple of times, this is good. However I personally would like to see both pieces of information immediately at all times. I guess the real problem is that at least on unix on some of the LnFs and using the single tab row feature, the rendering is totally broken (the highlighting of the current tab especially) - this bug in fact has been in IDEA since at least 4.x. So I always wanted to have a prominent place that displays the current class and method.

Permanently deleted user

Hello Simon,

Before, when I specified to use the IDE profile as the default project
profile, it popped up a dialog along the lines of "The profile is not
valid for the current scope, would you like to create a project
profile?". I can't seem to replicate that issue with 5561, so maybe
it was just a bug :)

It's not a bug. When you want to assign profile to the project you should
make profile project-wide (It would save in .ipr file to be shared inside
team). To achieve it you should copy IDE profile. I can do it automatically
without confirmation but I don't think that it is good. There would be additional
profiles which you didn't create/ I think that it is a little bit confusing.
Am I wrong?

Since I've now had some sleep, I should give some constructive
feedback on the Project/Module dialog, rather than just saying it's

Thanks :)

>The interface issues I currently have are:

- When adding libraries through the "Add->Library" menu, it's no
longer possible to add multiple libraries at the same time. Only the
first library selected gets added.

I am afraid that I do not understand you correctly. There wasn't such functionality
( You can't simultaneously specify multiple names for libraries. Or I misunderstood

- Right-clicking on the tree entry and choosing Add. I can't think
of any other application where choosing a option on a context menu
triggers opening up another menu at the top of the window. To me this
just feels weird, but maybe that's just my opinion!

I can make it context-dependant but it would be inconsistent with toolbar
actions :(

- It would be nice to be able to specify the name of the JDK when
adding it, rather than having to add it and then rename it.

It wasn't change. Will look at it after beta release.

- It would be nice if the the "Find Usages" option results were
ordered alphabetically.


Some other feedback as well:
- A ctrl-T to update the project currently opens a dialog which is
1.5 monitors wide for me. We have a module which has a ridiculously
long name (which is a fault on our behalf), but the dialog size
appears to be biased depending upon the module name length. It would
be nice for the default size of dialogs to never exceed a monitors
width (this should be linked with the next point).
- Multi-monitor support. I don't know whether there's anything you
can do, but it would be nice if IDEA opened its dialogs on the same
monitor as the main window (assuming it's maximised on one monitor).
I can't count the number of times that I think IDEA hasn't captured a
key-press because the dialog has opened on the second monitor. Also,
it would be nice if the size of the dialog doesn't exceed the size of
the monitor on which IDEA is maximised.

- Code coverage. This is currently highlighting my JUnit test even
when I've specified to only highlight the class which is being tested.

- Favourite Lists
- I was going to say that you can't seem to delete favourite lists
any more. However, I've just noticed that the option to delete the
favourites list is found by right-clicking on a file in that
favourite's list. This is very un-intuitive - didn't there used to be
a little minus sign that allowed you to delete the list, at the top of
the pane?

How many delete/remove actions is acceptable for one toolbar? ;) Thare are
a lot of them in popup menu...

- I'd like the ability to delete or rename the default favourites
list. Also, if I choose the option "Delete All Favourite List Except
?", currently this doesn't carry out this action as the default list

It's a bug.

Thank you.


Here's another stupid UI issue:
I can't use Jabber anyway because our firewall does not allow it.
So every time I start a fresh Idea installation, the IDETalk dialog pops up and I have to disable Jabber permanently.
But which button does that: "Cancel" or "Skip"?
Usually I click one of them. With a 50% chance the same dialog pops up the next time I start Idea. Then I try to remember which button I clicked last time and choose the other now (and sometimes I remembered incorrectly, so that I still get the popup next time).

Permanently deleted user

It works fine for single link statements of that type. The problem only arises when there are two or more in the same comment block - the first one is always OK. If the syntax is incorrect it shouldn't work at all...

Permanently deleted user
Permanently deleted user

Anna Kozlova wrote:

Hello Sebastian, Nathan,

It is a bug if Navigation bar is outdated. Could you please provide some
examples? Now it displays the last item exactly the same as it exists in
tab (or in Project/Package/Scope/ etc View if it is not a file). If not
- again it is a bug and I'd like to know about it ;)

Well, don't know anymore when it has happened. I will post a bug report
the next time I will run over it.
But I think the Navigation Bar has been improved greatly. I will start
to use it again ;)

Some small things that could be improved in my opinion:
- Cursor up should "close" the directory popup
- Cursor right should open the directory
- Maybe the actual selected/opened directory should be the first part of
the list (of course I don't know if it is possible to tweak the ui in
that direction, but I think I would like it).

Johannes Schneider

Permanently deleted user

I'll chime in with "performance" too -- my colleages use Eclipse and when I see IDEA pause between typing and the text appearing, it's frankly embarassing. :( I reverted to IDEA 5.1.2 (incidentally because of ) and it is much faster, hopefully this level of performance can be achieved in 6.0.

I notice a few mentions of the Changes window not behaving itself, I would imagine these are related to the IDEA-8350 issue linked above. It makes the use of svn impossible from IDEA, and is therefore a major problem for me also.

Message was edited by:
Ben Pickering

Permanently deleted user

Sebastian Mueller wrote:

This is the rather long list Johannes was talking about:

One more thing:
I often press Alt-Insert (create Constructor/Setter/...) and then press
"s" to select "Setter". But unfortunately the list is shortened and
"Constructor" is selected...
Generally I think there should be some sort of mnemonic or at least
shortening of the list depending on the first letters.

Johannes Schneider

Permanently deleted user

Hello Johannes,

Well, don't know anymore when it has happened. I will post a bug
the next time I will run over it.
But I think the Navigation Bar has been improved greatly. I will start
to use it again ;)

Thanks :)

Some small things that could be improved in my opinion:
- Cursor up should "close" the directory popup

A good suggestion but how to go to the last list item? ;)

- Cursor right should open the directory

Sorry, which one? Where is selection? I mean that traverse through the Navigation
Bar (to the left/to the right) uses right/left keys.

- Maybe the actual selected/opened directory should be the first part
the list (of course I don't know if it is possible to tweak the ui in
that direction, but I think I would like it).

I am afraid that I don't completely understand your suggestion ( NavBar orks
with current files in editor. Where should I find selected/opened directories?

Johannes Schneider

Thank you.


Anna Kozlova
JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

Right now I have a case where doing "compare to last repository version" on a modified file shows differences with the repository, but trying to do a commit says 'No changes detected'. Update also shows that the file is modified.

TortoiseSVN commit works in these cases.

Permanently deleted user

It's not a bug. When you want to assign profile to the project you should make profile project-wide (It would save in .ipr file
to be shared inside team). To achieve it you should copy IDE profile. I can do it automatically
without confirmation but I don't think that it is good. There would be additional
profiles which you didn't create/ I think that it is a little bit confusing. Am I wrong?

Well I don't actually want to create a project profile, since I currently work with 5 separate projects. For example, I was setting up a new company code-inspection and editting profile the other day, which are relevant for all projects and popping into the code and disabling various inspections which aren't really relevent for everyday coding. I don't want to have to do this separately for every project. Maybe I'm missing something, or going about it the wrong way :) Also, we don't currently share IPR files, but we do have a base exported set of inspection profiles which every installs when they install IDEA.

>The interface issues I currently have are:

- When adding libraries through the "Add->Library" menu, it's no
longer possible to add multiple libraries at the same time. Only the
first library selected gets added.

I am afraid that I do not understand you correctly. There wasn't such functionality
( You can't simultaneously specify multiple names for libraries. Or I misunderstood you?

You used to be able to select multiple JAR files for addition to a module's classpath. If you select "Add->Library->Add Module Library" and are given the file chooser dialog, you can correctly select multiple JAR files, but when you click OK only the first selected is added to the classpath.

- Right-clicking on the tree entry and choosing Add. I can't think
of any other application where choosing a option on a context menu
triggers opening up another menu at the top of the window. To me this
just feels weird, but maybe that's just my opinion!

I can make it context-dependant but it would be
inconsistent with toolbar
actions :(

Fair enough. I just think it's a bit odd that if you right-click on a module at the bottom of the dialog and select add you are then presented with a menu at the top of the dialog.

- It would be nice to be able to specify the name of the JDK when
adding it, rather than having to add it and then rename it.

It wasn't change. Will look at it after beta release.

Thanks :)

- It would be nice if the the "Find Usages" option results were
ordered alphabetically.


Thanks again!

- Favourite Lists

How many delete/remove actions is acceptable for one
toolbar? ;) Thare are
a lot of them in popup menu...

To be honest, I just wasn't expecting the delete action where it was. The last time I used the EAP and looked at the favourite lists there were three buttons for add, delete and delete all (about 3 months ago). I still expected the first two, although I never really understood the third.

- I'd like the ability to delete or rename the default favourites
list. Also, if I choose the option "Delete All Favourite List Except
?", currently this doesn't carry out this action as the default list

It's a bug.

Ah great.

Permanently deleted user

Yes, please. Make it work like the rest of IJ. If I want toString, I
should be able to get tS and find it.

Johannes Schneider wrote:

Sebastian Mueller wrote:

>> This is the rather long list Johannes was talking about:

One more thing:
I often press Alt-Insert (create Constructor/Setter/...) and then
press "s" to select "Setter". But unfortunately the list is shortened
and "Constructor" is selected...
Generally I think there should be some sort of mnemonic or at least
shortening of the list depending on the first letters.


Johannes Schneider



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