IDEA 6.0 Beta coming: plea for a feedback

Hi All,

we're going to release IDEA 6.0 Beta soon and really need your feedback either
positive and negative.
Feel free to step up with any issues that bother you most in latest EAPs,
we'll consider fixing them as soon as it possible.
Anyway, this will not be a released version of any kind so if we won't
actually fix your favorite pet issue in Beta we still have plenty of time
to fix before it actually goes GA.

Thanks in advace


Maxim Shafirov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

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If you do a lot of maintenance of JSPs, you run into a lot of cases
where you have a JSP that was used by once place, but now you need to
use those fields in another part of your website. This is a perfect
case where you want to surround the jsp tags, extract it to a tag file,
but IJ doesn't support this and it has to be done manually. Very tedious.
Add support for navigating to thee implementing methods in a dispatch
The structure view of .TLD and web.xml files is completely useless. All
you see is a bunch of elements, but no useful way to help you find the
one you are looking for without using the search.
Any chance you can make the CTRL-F12 work for these known XML file
types? With the struts-config.xml and validation.xml they are half-way
useful. You will have to click on the parent element, but it would be
better if it just expanded all of the "interesting" children.

Project Roots has become less user friendly. You always start on the
project settings tab, which is almost never changed. I am forever
changing the build settings or the libraries, but both of these now
require more clicks to find them. At least offer a way to bind a key to
these pages to find them quickly.

Exclude from Import and Completion seems useful for projects with tons
of libraries. Unfortunately, it does not help you with auto-completion
of the classes in your project.

Scopes??? What is this for? How does it work? It doesn't even have a
help button to give some help.

IDETalk. Let's not even go there.

Permanently deleted user

Anna Kozlova wrote:

I am afraid that I don't completely understand your suggestion

During typing I have though: Can it be understood. And I was quite sure,
it can't. But I was too lazy to exactly describe my thoughts ;).
I will jira it later...

Johannes Schneider

Permanently deleted user

I'm glad to hear you're working on ant support. This one has bothered me for awhile:

Permanently deleted user

Thibaut wrote on 25.7.2006 15:17:

I'm not sure, but shouldn't it be written
{@link AttributeContainer#ATTRIBUTE_EDITABLE_STATE}
(a # rather than a . to separate the class and attribute/method)

Using # in javadocs is the right way. However, IDEA sometimes enters .
instead of #, for example when pasting a reference to a field
(CtrlAltShift+C) to javadoc. This has already been fixed when pasting
method references (,
but apparently class fields still have the same problem.

Esko Luontola

Permanently deleted user


SourceSafe check-in does not work on #5561. If I do a 'Compare with SourceSafe version' it correctly shows differences with the files. but if I do a File or directory check-in it says 'No changes detected'.


Permanently deleted user

This is the same issue I have with SVN. Happens once in a while.

Permanently deleted user

Hello Sakke,

SW> This is the same issue I have with SVN. Happens once in a while.

I would appreciate it very much if you could verify that the problem with
SVN is fixed in 5569. If it's not, we might have a chance to get a hotfix in.

Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
"Develop with Pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

Two things bother me about the beta:

WebSphere integration. This was promised for 6.0, and I was getting really psyched about finally dumping WSAD. It doesn't look like it will happen, however. So far, WS integration is almost non-existant. Here are just a couple things missing:

- Deployment descriptor editing. WS descriptors are cryptic, and would be a great boon to edit all WS-specific settings visually. At the very least, we need a way to configure EJB's JNDI names.

- Deployment code generation, incrementally. You can't usually deploy an application in WS without first generating the deployment code, and that requires quite a bit of ant magic, not to mention it's dog slow. I'd really like to see IDEA doing that for me, incrementally, like WSAD does.

Circular dependencies between J2EE modules. For some reason I can't fathom, you can't do that right now, and I was hoping to see that before 6.0 is released.

Permanently deleted user

Here are my biggest issues:

1. When using CVS, IDEA is constantly losing track of the state of my files,
forcing me to do a Check Project Status to "re-sync" my file states with
CVS. This has been captured in
There's a note in there from Dmitry, though, stating that the last build
(5569) should fix the issue. Hopefully it has.

2. IDEA keeps "forgetting" about my WebLogic descriptor. I just opened

Other than that, I'm pretty happy with the release. Well done.


Permanently deleted user

Run configuration settings are worth for me with 1280x800 when I config to run TestNG test. Or is it TestNG plugin's problem?

Permanently deleted user


I think that I can do nothing with them.

Thank you


Anna Kozlova
JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"

Run configuration settings are worth for me with 1280x800 when I
config to run TestNG test. Or is it TestNG plugin's problem?

Permanently deleted user

Well, it is a great little tool of course, but I do not use Idea's VC
integrations so it is of no use to me at the moment. Borland has several
really stupid native calls in their Starteam API and therefore it does not
work under 64bit VM and I really like how IDEA runs on JDK6 64bit . So I
just use starteam windows client for now :(

"Dmitry Jemerov" <> wrote in message

Hello Alex,


AR> - Changes - do not even know what it is and how to use it


I recommend you to look at it at least once - I hope you'll find it
useful. :)


AR> - Palette what is it?
AR> - UI Designed (have no idea why it is visible but cant get rid of it)


The bug with these toolwindows appearing when they shouldn't has been


Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
"Develop with Pleasure!"


Permanently deleted user

Much better. One thing I would suggest is that the "Enable before lauching steps" flag is now unnecessary, since all of the before launch options are themselves toggle-able. You could then move "Display settings before launch" up by "Share configuration" and save another line of real-estate.

BTW, the restructuring of the "Run Configurations" pulldown with separators and sorting by type is very nice. Did you do that? Even better would be if the configurations were sorted alphabetically within type.

--Dave Griffith

Permanently deleted user

Hello Dave,

Much better. One thing I would suggest is that the "Enable before
lauching steps" flag is now unnecessary, since all of the before
launch options are themselves toggle-able. You could then move
"Display settings before launch" up by "Share configuration" and save
another line of real-estate.

This flag is useful when you have compiler errors but want to launch a number
of applications - not to configure them all one by one.

BTW, the restructuring of the "Run Configurations" pulldown with
separators and sorting by type is very nice. Did you do that?

Yes. Thanks ;)

>Even better would be if the configurations were sorted alphabetically

within type.

There is manual sorting in RunDialog. In drop-down list it is copied. May
be toggle action in toolbar to sort alphabetically?

Thank you.


Anna Kozlova
JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

I'd like to say "Good Job!" to whoever changed the XML structure view to show the value of a "name" attribute as the primary text for a node. That makes it so much more useful!


Permanently deleted user

>There is manual sorting in RunDialog.

Wow. Never noticed that before. For all I know it could have been there since Ariadna, but I'm guessing this was part of your reworking. Nice. No need for a alphabetic sorting then. I just didn't want configurations sorted randomly, but if I can sort them myself I certainly will. I'm very much of the "configure every single element of my workspace as precisely as a surgeon" school of thought, so manual sorting suits me perfectly.

--Dave Griffith

Permanently deleted user

Oooh, I just saw the "Edit Defaults" button on the Run/Debug configuration panel. Also very nice. Please tell me that's new and I haven't been missing it for years. Now what I really want for Christmas is the same button for the Ant panel (where the built-in defaults are truly atrocious).

--Dave Griffith


I've noticed that the past two builds (5561 and 5569) seem to eat up a LOT of cpu. Specifically, running 'top' shows the CPU usage running as high as 95% when I'm doing absolutely NOTHING.

I'm running KDE on Ubuntu 6.06. Kernel is 2.6.15-26-686 SMP.

Please feel free to contact me directly if there is more data you need.


Permanently deleted user

Overall everything looks pretty good to me. One issue I do have though is now if you open a JSF page (.jspx) it opens it up in the "Navigation" tab by default. It should default to the "Text" tab.

Thanks for a great product.

Permanently deleted user

Hello Dave,

DG> Oooh, I just saw the "Edit Defaults" button on the Run/Debug
DG> configuration panel.

Is my suggestion of a unification of the Run and Debug panels done in Demetra?
One more reason to get of my lazy butt and try Demetra soon then :)

DG> Also very nice. Please tell me that's new and
DG> I haven't been missing it for years.

Nope, it's not new. Yes, you have been missing this for years: Idea 3?, Idea
2? I don't recall anymore :)


Permanently deleted user

i use jpda debug web application, when debug, if compile modified file, idea will be dead as mutton

Permanently deleted user

I'd like to second the importance of IDADEV-6690]]>.

I work both connected and disconnected to a network. The latest EAPs have had unacceptable pauses while the CVS client tries to connect to the server.


The debugging view must allow for viewing the stack, the variables and the watches at the same time! They should not be places on multiple tabs in the same tab container.

Yes! 1 for me. This is something I sorely missed when moving from VC+ to IDEA. Stack, Variables, Watches - three dockable windows across the bottom.

The variables view should use a treetable instead of a simple table to unclutter the information

Im not that bothered about this - I like the variables view to be kept simple and clear (just in scope variables).




1.) Mentioned many times - the plugin download interface should be reverted to 5.1.2
2.) JSF support - not usable in it's current state. The valildation needs some work, I cannot start my webapp (and thus not test Demetra) because of validation errors (see
3.) I also agree that the configuration tends to become a little overwhelming and options hard to find.
4.) Bundled plugins: I usually move some plugins out of the way which I never use. Like most people I use one versioning system exclusively (CVS) and get rid of VSS, Perforce etc. support plugins. The same is true for application servers. This should be configurable.


Permanently deleted user

There is something alarming I have seen happening in 5569, which urged me to try 5581 but is still there: I see more and more cases of failures on the "find usages" functionality. For instance, in this moment I am located in a class named "OrderService". At some point there is the following code:

StorefrontContext newContext = ( StorefrontContext )oldContext.clone();

newContext.setCurrentOrderPaymentMethod( order.getPaymentMethod() );

this "setCurrentOrderPaymentMethod" usage is not reported by idea (I have checked, and am using the right scope, "project files"). If i click over it and do alt-f7 the resulting list only shows one usage in a different class. What is even worse, is that if I point over this usage and do alt-del, after the "safe delete dialog" the method is cancelled from the original interface, and the line above turns red: doing ctrl-z does not help (nothing happens), and I have to move to the storefrontcontext implementation class just to perform the "undo".

Note: the same happens with a number of other methods. For instance, if I do alt-f7 over the getter for the same property not a single usage is found: doing a text find shows two of them: moving to that class and doing alt-f7 over the direct usage reports "no usages found in project files"!

Uhm. Can this come from the fact that I used the same .IntellijIDEA5 personal folder from version 5? This happened because I had an old in my home and idea 6 grabbed it without me noticing...

Permanently deleted user

Hello Jay,

This issue is fixed in the beta update build (build 5581).

JG> I've noticed that the past two builds (5561 and 5569) seem to eat up
JG> a LOT of cpu. Specifically, running 'top' shows the CPU usage
JG> running as high as 95% when I'm doing absolutely NOTHING.
JG> I'm running KDE on Ubuntu 6.06. Kernel is 2.6.15-26-686 SMP.
JG> Please feel free to contact me directly if there is more data you
JG> need.

Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
"Develop with Pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

Hello Jay,

This issue is fixed in the beta update build (build 5581).

JG> I've noticed that the past two builds (5561 and 5569) seem to eat up
JG> a LOT of cpu. Specifically, running 'top' shows the CPU usage
JG> running as high as 95% when I'm doing absolutely NOTHING.
JG> I'm running KDE on Ubuntu 6.06. Kernel is 2.6.15-26-686 SMP.
JG> Please feel free to contact me directly if there is more data you
JG> need.

Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
"Develop with Pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

On the whole I'm pretty pleased with the way 6.0 is panning out, however I have a project which uses Ant & Ivy to build.

Has support for 'xmlns' been added to IDEA yet? I notice that my build file still has red error marks (marked here in bold)...

<project xmlns:ivy="antlib:fr.jayasoft.ivy.ant" ...


<ivy:buildlist reference="..."



I noticed that there have been various threads on this topic for a while but wondered if the new version added anything new? Of course I may be missing something obvious here :)


Permanently deleted user

Hello yerba,

Please describe your problem in detail:

1) which application server did you use?
2) did you use remote or local run configuration?
3) which version of jdk was used?
3) did IDEA attempt to reload compiled classes?

i use jpda debug web application, when debug, if compile modified
file, idea will be dead as mutton

Permanently deleted user

Hello yerba,

Please describe your problem in detail:

1) which application server did you use?
2) did you use remote or local run configuration?
3) which version of jdk was used?
3) did IDEA attempt to reload compiled classes?

i use jpda debug web application, when debug, if compile modified
file, idea will be dead as mutton


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