Exception reading p4api.zip
When I start 5380, the following exception gets written to idea.log:
2006-07-11 14:42:02,308 INFO -
llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - Cannot load
java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid CEN header (bad compression method)
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.open(Native Method)
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.(Unknown Source)
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.(Unknown Source)
at com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManager.c(PluginManager.java:84)
at com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManager.a(PluginManager.java:353)
at com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManager.a(PluginManager.java:76)
at com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManager.d(PluginManager.java:326)
at com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManager.b(PluginManager.java:414)
at com.intellij.idea.IdeaApplication.]]>(IdeaApplication.java:36)
at com.intellij.idea.Main.a(Main.java:43)
at com.intellij.idea.Main.access$000(Main.java:46)
at com.intellij.idea.Main$2.proceed(Main.java:1)
at com.intellij.ide.a.b.h$1.a(h$1.java:3)
at com.intellij.ide.a.e.u.a(u.java:3)
at com.intellij.ide.a.b.c.a(c.java:18)
at com.intellij.ide.a.b.c.a(c.java:2)
at com.intellij.ide.a.b.h.a(h.java:3)
at com.intellij.idea.Main.mainImpl(Main.java:19)
at com.intellij.idea.Main.start(Main.java:35)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManager$5.run(PluginManager.java:10)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
However, I can open the ZIP file with WinZIP, and the Perforce
integration seems to be working for things like getting the history of a
file or comparing my edited version to the repository version. I haven't
actually tried committing a changelist yet. For what it's worth, here's
what WinZIP has to say about p4api.zip.
Testing ...
Current Location part 1 offset 253911
Archive: D:\bin\idea\plugins\PerforceIntegration\lib\p4api.zip 253933
bytes 2005-10-03 21:25:22
End central directory record PK0506 (4+18)
current location of end-of-central-dir record: 253911 (0x0003dfd7)
expected location of end-of-central-dir record: 253911 (0x0003dfd7)
based on the size of the central directory of
732 and its relative offset of 253179 bytes
part number of this part (0000): 1
part number of start of central dir (0000): 1
number of entries in central dir in this part: 12
total number of entries in central dir: 12
size of central dir: 732 (0x000002dc) bytes
relative offset of central dir: 253179 (0x0003dcfb)
zipfile comment length: 0
Current Location part 1 offset 253179
Central directory entry PK0102 (4+42): #1
part number in which file begins (0000): 1
relative offset of local header: 0 (0x00000000) bytes
version made by operating system (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
version made by zip software (20): 2.0
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (10): 1.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (00): none (stored)
file last modified on (0x00003159 0x00008bc7): 2004-10-25 17:30:14
32-bit CRC value: 0x00000000
compressed size: 0 bytes
uncompressed size: 0 bytes
length of filename: 6 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
length of file comment: 0 characters
internal file attributes: 0x0000
apparent file type: binary
external file attributes: 0x00000010
non-MSDOS external file attributes: 0x000000
MS-DOS file attributes (0x10): dir
Current Location part 1 offset 253225
Current Location part 1 offset 253231
Central directory entry PK0102 (4+42): #2
part number in which file begins (0000): 1
relative offset of local header: 36 (0x00000024) bytes
version made by operating system (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
version made by zip software (20): 2.0
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (20): 2.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (09): deflated (enhanced)
file last modified on (0x00003159 0x00008bc7): 2004-10-25 17:30:14
32-bit CRC value: 0x2cbb62e7
compressed size: 1161 bytes
uncompressed size: 3941 bytes
length of filename: 15 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
length of file comment: 0 characters
internal file attributes: 0x0000
apparent file type: binary
external file attributes: 0x00000021
non-MSDOS external file attributes: 0x000000
MS-DOS file attributes (0x21): rdo arc
Current Location part 1 offset 253277
Current Location part 1 offset 253292
Central directory entry PK0102 (4+42): #3
part number in which file begins (0000): 1
relative offset of local header: 1242 (0x000004da) bytes
version made by operating system (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
version made by zip software (20): 2.0
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (20): 2.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (09): deflated (enhanced)
file last modified on (0x000030bf 0x00009399): 2004-05-31 18:28:50
32-bit CRC value: 0xb7bd132f
compressed size: 416 bytes
uncompressed size: 806 bytes
length of filename: 13 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
length of file comment: 0 characters
internal file attributes: 0x0000
apparent file type: binary
external file attributes: 0x00000021
non-MSDOS external file attributes: 0x000000
MS-DOS file attributes (0x21): rdo arc
Current Location part 1 offset 253338
Current Location part 1 offset 253351
Central directory entry PK0102 (4+42): #4
part number in which file begins (0000): 1
relative offset of local header: 1701 (0x000006a5) bytes
version made by operating system (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
version made by zip software (20): 2.0
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (20): 2.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (09): deflated (enhanced)
file last modified on (0x00003159 0x00008bdb): 2004-10-25 17:30:54
32-bit CRC value: 0xcc2070c6
compressed size: 22078 bytes
uncompressed size: 93184 bytes
length of filename: 15 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
length of file comment: 0 characters
internal file attributes: 0x0000
apparent file type: binary
external file attributes: 0x00000020
non-MSDOS external file attributes: 0x000000
MS-DOS file attributes (0x20): arc
Current Location part 1 offset 253397
Current Location part 1 offset 253412
Central directory entry PK0102 (4+42): #5
part number in which file begins (0000): 1
relative offset of local header: 23824 (0x00005d10)
version made by operating system (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
version made by zip software (20): 2.0
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (20): 2.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (09): deflated (enhanced)
file last modified on (0x000030bf 0x00009399): 2004-05-31 18:28:50
32-bit CRC value: 0x1b4568be
compressed size: 334 bytes
uncompressed size: 899 bytes
length of filename: 15 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
length of file comment: 0 characters
internal file attributes: 0x0000
apparent file type: binary
external file attributes: 0x00000021
non-MSDOS external file attributes: 0x000000
MS-DOS file attributes (0x21): rdo arc
Current Location part 1 offset 253458
Current Location part 1 offset 253473
Central directory entry PK0102 (4+42): #6
part number in which file begins (0000): 1
relative offset of local header: 24203 (0x00005e8b)
version made by operating system (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
version made by zip software (20): 2.0
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (20): 2.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (09): deflated (enhanced)
file last modified on (0x00003159 0x00008bdb): 2004-10-25 17:30:54
32-bit CRC value: 0x505ae003
compressed size: 1655 bytes
uncompressed size: 8192 bytes
length of filename: 15 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
length of file comment: 0 characters
internal file attributes: 0x0000
apparent file type: binary
external file attributes: 0x00000022
non-MSDOS external file attributes: 0x000000
MS-DOS file attributes (0x22): hid arc
Current Location part 1 offset 253519
Current Location part 1 offset 253534
Central directory entry PK0102 (4+42): #7
part number in which file begins (0000): 1
relative offset of local header: 25903 (0x0000652f)
version made by operating system (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
version made by zip software (20): 2.0
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (20): 2.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (09): deflated (enhanced)
file last modified on (0x000030bf 0x00009399): 2004-05-31 18:28:50
32-bit CRC value: 0x809e5e23
compressed size: 1288 bytes
uncompressed size: 4459 bytes
length of filename: 18 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
length of file comment: 0 characters
internal file attributes: 0x0000
apparent file type: binary
external file attributes: 0x00000021
non-MSDOS external file attributes: 0x000000
MS-DOS file attributes (0x21): rdo arc
Current Location part 1 offset 253580
Current Location part 1 offset 253598
Central directory entry PK0102 (4+42): #8
part number in which file begins (0000): 1
relative offset of local header: 27239 (0x00006a67)
version made by operating system (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
version made by zip software (20): 2.0
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (20): 2.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (09): deflated (enhanced)
file last modified on (0x000030bf 0x00009399): 2004-05-31 18:28:50
32-bit CRC value: 0x9803b58e
compressed size: 484 bytes
uncompressed size: 1277 bytes
length of filename: 16 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
length of file comment: 0 characters
internal file attributes: 0x0000
apparent file type: binary
external file attributes: 0x00000021
non-MSDOS external file attributes: 0x000000
MS-DOS file attributes (0x21): rdo arc
Current Location part 1 offset 253644
Current Location part 1 offset 253660
Central directory entry PK0102 (4+42): #9
part number in which file begins (0000): 1
relative offset of local header: 27769 (0x00006c79)
version made by operating system (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
version made by zip software (20): 2.0
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (10): 1.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (00): none (stored)
file last modified on (0x00003178 0x000093d3): 2004-11-24 18:30:38
32-bit CRC value: 0x00000000
compressed size: 0 bytes
uncompressed size: 0 bytes
length of filename: 14 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
length of file comment: 0 characters
internal file attributes: 0x0000
apparent file type: binary
external file attributes: 0x00000010
non-MSDOS external file attributes: 0x000000
MS-DOS file attributes (0x10): dir
Current Location part 1 offset 253706
Current Location part 1 offset 253720
Central directory entry PK0102 (4+42): #10
part number in which file begins (0000): 1
relative offset of local header: 27813 (0x00006ca5)
version made by operating system (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
version made by zip software (20): 2.0
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (20): 2.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (09): deflated (enhanced)
file last modified on (0x00003159 0x00008bcb): 2004-10-25 17:30:22
32-bit CRC value: 0x32bf8ee9
compressed size: 224779 bytes
uncompressed size: 323584 bytes
length of filename: 23 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
length of file comment: 0 characters
internal file attributes: 0x0000
apparent file type: binary
external file attributes: 0x00000021
non-MSDOS external file attributes: 0x000000
MS-DOS file attributes (0x21): rdo arc
Current Location part 1 offset 253766
Current Location part 1 offset 253789
Central directory entry PK0102 (4+42): #11
part number in which file begins (0000): 1
relative offset of local header: 252645 (0x0003dae5)
version made by operating system (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
version made by zip software (20): 2.0
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (20): 2.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (09): deflated (enhanced)
file last modified on (0x000030bf 0x00009399): 2004-05-31 18:28:50
32-bit CRC value: 0xdd620b8b
compressed size: 190 bytes
uncompressed size: 292 bytes
length of filename: 16 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
length of file comment: 0 characters
internal file attributes: 0x0000
apparent file type: binary
external file attributes: 0x00000021
non-MSDOS external file attributes: 0x000000
MS-DOS file attributes (0x21): rdo arc
Current Location part 1 offset 253835
Current Location part 1 offset 253851
Central directory entry PK0102 (4+42): #12
part number in which file begins (0000): 1
relative offset of local header: 252881 (0x0003dbd1)
version made by operating system (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
version made by zip software (20): 2.0
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (20): 2.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (09): deflated (enhanced)
file last modified on (0x000030bf 0x00009399): 2004-05-31 18:28:50
32-bit CRC value: 0xd46e905d
compressed size: 254 bytes
uncompressed size: 402 bytes
length of filename: 14 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
length of file comment: 0 characters
internal file attributes: 0x0000
apparent file type: binary
external file attributes: 0x00000021
non-MSDOS external file attributes: 0x000000
MS-DOS file attributes (0x21): rdo arc
Current Location part 1 offset 253897
Current Location part 1 offset 0
Local directory entry PK0304 (4+26): #1
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (10): 1.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (00): none (stored)
file last modified on (0x00003159 0x00008bc7): 2004-10-25 17:30:14
32-bit CRC value: 0x00000000
compressed size: 0 bytes
uncompressed size: 0 bytes
length of filename: 6 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
Current Location part 1 offset 30
Current Location part 1 offset 36
testing: p4api\ OK
Current Location part 1 offset 36
Local directory entry PK0304 (4+26): #2
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (20): 2.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (09): deflated (enhanced)
file last modified on (0x00003159 0x00008bc7): 2004-10-25 17:30:14
32-bit CRC value: 0x2cbb62e7
compressed size: 1161 bytes
uncompressed size: 3941 bytes
length of filename: 15 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
Current Location part 1 offset 66
Current Location part 1 offset 81
testing: p4api\p4api.cpp OK
Current Location part 1 offset 1242
Local directory entry PK0304 (4+26): #3
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (20): 2.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (09): deflated (enhanced)
file last modified on (0x000030bf 0x00009399): 2004-05-31 18:28:50
32-bit CRC value: 0xb7bd132f
compressed size: 416 bytes
uncompressed size: 806 bytes
length of filename: 13 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
Current Location part 1 offset 1272
Current Location part 1 offset 1285
testing: p4api\p4api.h OK
Current Location part 1 offset 1701
Local directory entry PK0304 (4+26): #4
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (20): 2.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (09): deflated (enhanced)
file last modified on (0x00003159 0x00008bdb): 2004-10-25 17:30:54
32-bit CRC value: 0xcc2070c6
compressed size: 22078 bytes
uncompressed size: 93184 bytes
length of filename: 15 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
Current Location part 1 offset 1731
Current Location part 1 offset 1746
testing: p4api\p4api.ncb OK
Current Location part 1 offset 23824
Local directory entry PK0304 (4+26): #5
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (20): 2.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (09): deflated (enhanced)
file last modified on (0x000030bf 0x00009399): 2004-05-31 18:28:50
32-bit CRC value: 0x1b4568be
compressed size: 334 bytes
uncompressed size: 899 bytes
length of filename: 15 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
Current Location part 1 offset 23854
Current Location part 1 offset 23869
testing: p4api\p4api.sln OK
Current Location part 1 offset 24203
Local directory entry PK0304 (4+26): #6
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (20): 2.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (09): deflated (enhanced)
file last modified on (0x00003159 0x00008bdb): 2004-10-25 17:30:54
32-bit CRC value: 0x505ae003
compressed size: 1655 bytes
uncompressed size: 8192 bytes
length of filename: 15 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
Current Location part 1 offset 24233
Current Location part 1 offset 24248
testing: p4api\p4api.suo OK
Current Location part 1 offset 25903
Local directory entry PK0304 (4+26): #7
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (20): 2.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (09): deflated (enhanced)
file last modified on (0x000030bf 0x00009399): 2004-05-31 18:28:50
32-bit CRC value: 0x809e5e23
compressed size: 1288 bytes
uncompressed size: 4459 bytes
length of filename: 18 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
Current Location part 1 offset 25933
Current Location part 1 offset 25951
testing: p4api\p4api.vcproj OK
Current Location part 1 offset 27239
Local directory entry PK0304 (4+26): #8
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (20): 2.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (09): deflated (enhanced)
file last modified on (0x000030bf 0x00009399): 2004-05-31 18:28:50
32-bit CRC value: 0x9803b58e
compressed size: 484 bytes
uncompressed size: 1277 bytes
length of filename: 16 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
Current Location part 1 offset 27269
Current Location part 1 offset 27285
testing: p4api\ReadMe.txt OK
Current Location part 1 offset 27769
Local directory entry PK0304 (4+26): #9
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (10): 1.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (00): none (stored)
file last modified on (0x00003178 0x000093d3): 2004-11-24 18:30:38
32-bit CRC value: 0x00000000
compressed size: 0 bytes
uncompressed size: 0 bytes
length of filename: 14 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
Current Location part 1 offset 27799
Current Location part 1 offset 27813
testing: p4api\Release\ OK
Current Location part 1 offset 27813
Local directory entry PK0304 (4+26): #10
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (20): 2.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (09): deflated (enhanced)
file last modified on (0x00003159 0x00008bcb): 2004-10-25 17:30:22
32-bit CRC value: 0x32bf8ee9
compressed size: 224779 bytes
uncompressed size: 323584 bytes
length of filename: 23 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
Current Location part 1 offset 27843
Current Location part 1 offset 27866
testing: p4api\Release\p4api.dll OK
Current Location part 1 offset 252645
Local directory entry PK0304 (4+26): #11
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (20): 2.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (09): deflated (enhanced)
file last modified on (0x000030bf 0x00009399): 2004-05-31 18:28:50
32-bit CRC value: 0xdd620b8b
compressed size: 190 bytes
uncompressed size: 292 bytes
length of filename: 16 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
Current Location part 1 offset 252675
Current Location part 1 offset 252691
testing: p4api\stdafx.cpp OK
Current Location part 1 offset 252881
Local directory entry PK0304 (4+26): #12
operat. system version needed to extract (00): MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
unzip software version needed to extract (20): 2.0
general purpose bit flag (0x0000) (bit 15..0): 0000.0000 0000.0000
file security status (bit 0): not encrypted
extended local header (bit 3): no
compression method (09): deflated (enhanced)
file last modified on (0x000030bf 0x00009399): 2004-05-31 18:28:50
32-bit CRC value: 0xd46e905d
compressed size: 254 bytes
uncompressed size: 402 bytes
length of filename: 14 characters
length of extra field: 0 bytes
Current Location part 1 offset 252911
Current Location part 1 offset 252925
testing: p4api\stdafx.h OK
No errors detected in compressed data of
Please sign in to leave a comment.
Yes I have seen this as well. Quality of EAP's is going down....
Hello Venkat,
VS> Yes I have seen this as well. Quality of EAP's is going down....
In fact, this particular issue is quite old:
So it can't be taken as a sign of quality of recent EAP builds. :)
Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
"Develop with Pleasure!"
Yes, but will it ever get fixed? Maybe it's only the quality of the product that's going down.
Hello Michael,
MB> Yes, but will it ever get fixed? Maybe it's only the quality of the
MB> product that's going down.
Yes, it will.
The quality of the product should be judged on final releases, not EAP
Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
"Develop with Pleasure!"