rpc port error
I don't know if this is a buildServerPlugin problem. But I get this when I start IDEA 5380
Any pointers/help to get around this would be appreciated ?
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Hello Venkat,
VS> I don't know if this is a buildServerPlugin problem. But I get this
VS> when I start IDEA 5380
VS> Any pointers/help to get around this would be appreciated ?
No, this is not a build server plugin problem. Please follow the advice given
in the message box you have posted: in idea.properties file, add a property
with name "rpc.port" and a different port number value.
Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
"Develop with Pleasure!"
I did that already. The default port was 63342. I changed it to 63343 in idea.properties still the same error.
This is what I have in my idea.properties.
Is it a different system property that needs to be set?
I checked in the tcpview that 63343 is infact opened by the IDEA's Java process.
Attacing the idea.log. Changed the port to 63350 still the same error.
Hi Dmitry,
I removed the buildServerPlugin and I don't get that error anymore.
I get the exact same symptoms, and have had to back out the new build server plugin.
--Dave Griffith
same here
Works for me. Maybe you are hitting ports that are taken. Have you run
an application that will list the used ports? Something like ECView?
Venkat Sonnathi wrote:
I did check with tcpview (sysinternals.com) and verified that the port is opened by IDEA's Java process.
Do you have buildServerPlugin installed? If so I have couple of questions:
1) Did you install idea5830.zip?
2) Did you download Teamserver with tomcat bundled zip?